My Darkest Burning Star

Jul 19, 2008 19:16

I have to say that...I'm at a loss for words. My lover, my world my everything is gone. I haven't really stopped crying yet but, its getting better ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

chthonia July 20 2008, 00:54:37 UTC
I'm so sorry. There is no pain that compares.


black_godzilla July 20 2008, 02:13:09 UTC
Thank you. That really means alot.


sag82 July 20 2008, 21:15:00 UTC
My deepest sympathies.
My girlfriend died March 03, so I understand what you're going through. Your friend above is right.
The pain does ease, but there will always be scar. You can only give yourself time to heal.
Take care of yourself and message me any time if you want to talk.
Much love. <3


black_godzilla February 28 2009, 01:35:09 UTC
Understand it maight abe alittle bit before I respond again but, its been alittle under a year since hes been gone.

How do you deal I mean.....I know everyones diffent but, when does the hurt stop? When is it save and ok to date again. I don't know, I'm dealing with it kinda crazy I know but, geeze.

My luck sucks man.How do you I know this will never happen again?


sag82 February 28 2009, 02:57:24 UTC
It's ok, whenever you want to ( ... )


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