Fic: Oddness, Super Junior, Hankyung/Heechul/Siwon

Dec 09, 2007 16:35

Title: Oddness
Author: black_goose
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: HanKyung/HeeChul/Siwon
Word count: 1,453
Rating: PG-13
Summary: There's something not quite right about Korea, if you ask HanKyung.
A/N: DO NOT EVEN ASK. There's a little HeeChul in my mind screaming, "write fanfiction about me, I'm too pretty to not be noticed!"

There's something slightly odd about Korea in a parallel universe sort of way, if you ask HanKyung. Nothing concrete and certain about China seems to follow through over here, and he's positive that two of the band members aren't talking to him because he said something offensive in Korean by accident (which he couldn't be held responsible for anyway, because it's an odd language.) But perhaps the weirdest thing about Korea is the relationships.

There's an incredibly girly one who appears to have latched onto him with all the intensity of an octopus, and who only leaves him alone when that slightly masculine one comes in, and he's unsure as to what this means, because the relationship between HeeChul and Siwon is so close as to be considered weird.

And yet, the frustrating thing is that there is no evidence for any sort of a relationship between the two, because DongHae hangs off everyone and it doesn't mean anything then, so why should it when HeeChul does it to Siwon? Plus, he doesn't want to come across as any more ignorant.

But still. There's something odd.

HeeChul commands and snaps and demands and Siwon nods and smiles and laughs. He holds the umbrella and cooks the food and carries the boxes and even carries HeeChul when the floor was wet. Siwon likes to bow and act the perfect gentlemen, and HeeChul sighs and ignores it, like it's another annoyance in a world full of them.

There's a secrecy surrounding the two; they're missing frequently when people want them and ask for them, and he never fails to notice the scratch or bruise on Siwon's neck, or that it's these that HeeChul likes to run his fingers over whenever he's hanging on Siwon's shoulders.

So there's something very odd about the two, and this feeling doesn't change any when he walks into the kitchen, because no man should be able to do that with their tongue, especially not when said man is pushed up against the fridge door by another man, his wrists held up above his head and his leg hooked around the other's knee.

HeeChul looks at him over Siwon's head from where he stands by the swinging door, paused with one hand holding it open, and for a second their eyes meet, the smug challenge in the lowering of HeeChul's brow and the curve of his lips into a smirk. He pulls his lip through his teeth, slow and purposeful, with dark eyes and then bites down hard on Siwon's shoulder.

Siwon cries out at that, a low, guttural sound that shoots right through HanKyung, and then kisses HeeChul in a display of passion that manifests itself in a rough, open-mouth kiss that is returned with equal abandon. HeeChul's hand stretches out behind Siwon's back, reaching out into the distance as if for HanKyung, who blinks, and takes a step back. That hand causes him to swallow hard, that invitation too much for him to handle. Siwon nips at HeeChul's neck, and that hand withdraws to thread through the hair at the back of Siwon's neck, and HanKyung lets the kitchen door close.

Avoiding the two proves harder than expected, because everywhere he turns now, HeeChul is there, smiling in a predatory sort of way and pulling Siwon along behind him. There's nowhere to hide, either, because their dorm is small compared to the other one, and smaller still when you're afraid to open a door for fear of what could be on the other side.

But perhaps there's a good side to this crampedness, because at least it means there's always someone else there with him, because he's even more terrified of being left alone with HeeChul. Those smirks and glances promise something and HanKyung doesn't want to know what.

But he's built his plan of a foundation of HeeChul and the slightest waver can cause it to come crumbling down around him. And he can't leave that bowl of rice where it is, because there's no-one around to watch it boil, because it's just him and HeeChul in the room.

"Hey." HeeChul says, slipping into a chair at the table, and HanKyung tries to ignore that he can feel his face turning slightly red. "Can I have some?"

"Um. Sure?" HanKyung attempts, and doesn't turn back to face HeeChul.

HeeChul pushes the chair back with a screech on linoleum that causes HanKyung to shiver and look resolutely at the fire on the stove. He jumps as there's a sudden hot breath blowing in his ear and an arm slung across his shoulder and another wrapped around his waist and there isn't even room to breathe or move and there's a hand playing with his hair and a head pressed to his cheek and everything's just fell down around him.

"Um." HanKyung says again, and it's slightly harder to ignore HeeChul now so he tries to duck away because if HeeChul wants the rice so bad, then HeeChul can cook it himself. He almost manages it but HeeChul pulls on his arm and HanKyung stumbles and falls heavily into the corner unit. He stands there for a minute, shocked beyond belief, and he realises with a growing terror that that was his greatest mistake because he's quite effectively trapped now.

HeeChul pushes one leg between HanKyung's, and pushes his upper body up to press against him. HanKyung leans back to get away, but it's hard when the edge of the work surface is digging into his back and his elbows are pressed painfully into the wall. Or, at least, that's what he tells himself, because it's certainly doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he can see every eyelash on HeeChul's face, or that those lips are coming closer, or that those dark eyes are fluttering shut and now HeeChul is kissing him.

He knows that under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be doing this, but he's lived here long enough to know that what HeeChul wants, he gets, and that shocked part of his mind has reigned supreme over the rest of him and so he stands there and kisses back.

It's when he's got HeeChul on the worktop, pressed close to him by the mouth and the body, that he hears the door swing open and he looks back to see who's come in. It's Siwon; one arm holding the door open, a shell-shocked expression on his face, hurt in his eyes and jealousy in the twist of his mouth. He looks like he'd like to hit something and HanKyung thinks he should probably move, lest it be him, and but when he does so, HeeChul holds onto his arm and stretches one hand out to Siwon.

HanKyung stares at that hand, because he remembers that same motion from not so long ago, when he was in Siwon's position physically but perhaps not emotionally, because he never had HeeChul to begin with. His blood thrums in his veins. Siwon looks at HanKyung and then at HeeChul, and then he relaxes, his shoulders slump and he smiles and steps forward. He takes HeeChul's hand and HeeChul smiles and it tells HanKyung that this has been HeeChul's ambition all along and that Siwon knows this too and he realises dully that perhaps he should get used to being strung along.

Siwon kisses him.

Where HeeChul takes and takes and takes, Siwon asks, as if he knows how strange this whole thing is. The touch of lips is light, maybe to let HanKyung escape if he wants to, and for a second he considers it, but he can't escape HeeChul and so he pushes a little harder and lets his hand touch Siwon's shoulder.

HeeChul makes an impatient noise in the back of his throat and pulls Siwon round by the collar to kiss him. HanKyung is struck by the fire in that kiss. Siwon knows exactly what to do, knows exactly which buttons to press, and before long he's got HeeChul back in the corner, hands pushed under his shirt and HeeChul's hands wrapped around his waist. And before long, he's pushed those hands away and his own have taken their place.

There is something slightly odd about the relationship now, HanKyung and Siwon holding onto HeeChul's hands as he drags them along. HeeChul takes and takes and takes, and HanKyung and Siwon give and give and give, and it's very odd, but he assumes that that's just what it's like in Korea.

But still, when KyuHyun joins the group, he takes it upon himself to warn him about the odd looks RyeoWook has been giving him, because he isn't so sure that Yehsung is as forgiving as Siwon


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