I have my car back, have since Friday.
I'm extremely happy, so much so that it’s beyond words.
Although you may laugh at me, I kissed the steering wheel when I got it back all fixed up, then, when I got home I jumped out and hugged the bonnet.
What can I say, I love my car. *snorts*
Yesterday, I bought two plushies, a purple rabbit and a green rabbit. But for $10 each, how could I not? At the moment they’re trying to survive the washing machine, I wonder how they feel about it... *thinks she can hear little plushy screams*
Easter is coming up soon. To me, it’s just a really good excuse to dress up as a playboy bunny.
*is fantasizing*
The scariest thing about Easter is staying at ANY of my aunties and/or uncles places around this time. ‘Why?’ you ask. One word, cousins.
3 - 10 year old cousins + many kilograms of chocolate + no limit to how much they are permitted to eat = Disaster. People end up getting hurt, or unexpectedly go missing for a few hours - to which wasn’t my fault. *coughs, looks the other way*
It wasn’t. Not really.
It’s not like they didn’t find the kid in the end.
Albeit hungry, my cousin was perfectly fine.
The other day I met Daniel, Adi’s boss. I walked straight up to his car, as it was parked out the front of my place, and said hi, basically telling him my life story. As I’m told I tend to do.
We chatted for 20 minutes or so. He’s very nice, and cute. Add his car to the package and you’ve got yourself one hell of a catch.
But, the reason I’m saying all this is because I found out around 2 hours ago that Daniel is fairly shy, or at least outwardly so. Thus, he doesn’t easily ‘chat’ with random people. And when asked what he thought of me, he supposedly came across quite fond of me. Which is very flattering and, well ‘nice’, but (yes there’s a BIG but), when Zeljka hears of ANY male asking about me she tends to swoop down on them like a hawk. Trying to get them to meet me again, probably setting up the wedding arrangements as she stands before them. *is worried, starts planning a long trip to Perth*
Only, this time it’s not just Zeljka pestering me, its her fiancé (yes they’re ENGAGED now. After being together for a month. Neh, if it works out, more power to them. He’s good for her, and I must admit that I'm quite fond of him. So we’ll see how things go from here).
Mind you, I can only imagine what Daniel is going through with Adi hounding him about me. *roles eyes* You should’ve seen the gleam in their eyes when they saw how one of Adi’s friends took to me a few weeks ago. I told them in no uncertain terms, ‘HELL NO’. Hate blind dates. *shudders*
So it can it can easily be sympathised that if I have to hear 'So, what do you think of Daniel?' one more time, I’m going to hire a fucking mime and pay the prick to follow Zeljka and Adi around while doing extremely suggestive moves.
Love those two, they just drive me up the Serengeti.
And may I just add, young love is painful to watch.
Right, I'm off. Need to finish reading the Cosmo mag' I bought. Yes, I know its almost a cardinal sin to buy them, but this is the first one I've bought in quite some time. lol
What prompted me to get it was the sealed section about sex toys. *shrugs* I’ve seen almost all of them at least once, but it’s always nice to find out some new tricks. *grins*