stolen from Margot's journal

May 11, 2004 14:06

Abortion?: I have nothing against it. I think that I would rather have a child lead a happy life then an unwanted one...
Death Penalty?: Depends on what the person did. Rapists should be for sure. As if they're gonna change...
Prostitution?: We should keep it. As a gay prostitute said, "It reduces the amount of rape on the street" and I agree. I don't agree to someone in a loving relationship going to a brothel though, and I think that they should somehow prevent diseases being spread - like blood tests or something. Imagine getting a std off your partner...
Alcohol?: It has been around for so long and has always been a way to enjoy things
Marijuana?: Stoners find insulting straight people funny... If they weren't pricks at times then maybe
Other drugs?: You can do it, just leave me out of it - doesn't mean it won't hurt me if I care about you.
Gay marriage?: I have nothing against it. I would actually love it if it was more common. Also the stupid laws on gay sex - straight sex can occur at 16 but gays have to wait till 18. That is so stupid. (not that anyone ever bothers to wait for the right person these days)
Illegal immigrants?: I guess I'm a little racist in this matter - Australian's money goes to other countries people and keeping them alive when we have so many starving right here, and them immigrating over here just makes matters worse. I think they should just take them back over and make them apply properly... or keep them there.
Smoking?: I don't like smokers that much though I can bare them around me. Just not as a partner...
Drunk driving?: Idiotic
Cloning?: I don't see that many bad things about cloning, if you lost someone dear to you you could have them back, I don't like the thought of a "clone army" though they would all have the same weaknesses.
Racism?: Everyone is a little racist, or sexist. I don't like strong racism though.
Premarital sex?: I think that if you don't have sex for religious reasons you should change your thoughts - it should be for yourself not because you should be condemmed to hell or whatever. And I have a lot of respect for those who waited. but I have nothing against premarital sex.
Religion?: I dont like religious brainwashing but I don't have anything against each religion having a culture and things like that behind them, just don't try and make me do it.
The war in Iraq?: Was stupid. Did it even resolve anything or did people just get killed for nothing?
Bush?: A moron, I want their old one back because I had nothing against him and he wasn't that bad.
Downloading music?: Is a way to get your band heard. if no one hears it who will go to your gigs/buy your stuff? If someone likes your music they will buy your stuff eventually. Used to hate getting a CD that was random and crap
The legal drinking age?: No one sticks to it anyway.
Porn?: I was amused by a statement about it "it brings unrealistic expectations of women" Porn is faked so much but it amuses me.
Suicide?: If someone can bring themselves to kill themself then obviously the people around them acted like they didn't care and were arseholes.
Admitadly it might hurt a few people around them but obviously they thought you didn't care and didn't expect to hurt you.
Sometimes this world is too overbearing and it is the best choice to make because not everything can be sorted out as easily as everyone else thinks it can. the person has probably suffered in silence a long time too and can't take it anymore.

But these are just my opinions.
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