Title: When a nerd falls for a jock...
Chapter: 14/??
Genre: High school AU, Romance, Friendship,Fluff, Angst...
Warning(s): Bullying, Rape
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing(s): JongYu (main), 2min, EunHae, YooSu, slight OnKey, Bff!OnTae, Bff!KeyJongHo
Summary: Jinki was living his life happily as a nerd when suddenly the unexpected
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Comments 10
hehe i was wondering why you haven't updated, im glad to know that you are ok :) .
Taemin and Cheondung T.T .
i cant wait for another Jonghyun and Jinki encounter.
Never saw that one coming.
LOL, I was laughing my ass off when Jay and G.O said that Donghae won't be coming t the trip because he is ill. Really now? Everyone knows that he didn't go because he wanted to stay in SM with his Hyukjae and have some sexy time together, now that most of the students have gone t the trip. :D *thinking about it*
OH? So Key's openly gay huh? Now I see the possibility of him having a crush on Jinki. And then Jjong's gonna realize his feelings. yeah, something like that. (dw, I'm just gueeing aloud :P)
2MIN'S COMING!! OMG I LOOOOOVE COCKY MINHO! SERIOUSLY HE'S SO SEXXY O__O But Taemin and him didn't seem to have a good start...
Worries me a bit. But oh well. We all know they'll fall for each other later on anyway so,
Update sooon :D <3
I got so excited when I saw this in my news feed XD and the chapter did not disapoint at all XD ah~! I wonder where key and jjong are!!
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