Title: When a nerd falls for a jock...
Chapter: 16/??
Genre: High school AU, Romance, Friendship,Fluff, Angst...
Warning(s): Bullying, Rape
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing(s): JongYu (main), 2min, EunHae, YooSu, slight OnKey, Bff!OnTae, Bff!KeyJongHo
Summary: Jinki was living his life happily as a nerd when suddenly the unexpected
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Comments 6
Taemin *le sigh* you little boy you are so cute trying to protect Jinki but omg you bust out your cocky side out of nowhere sometimes lol.
mmmm...I wonder if jonghyun will ever remember what he did, if so, will he regret it and apologize? or will he just...continue, or will it get worse and like sexual abusement (oh crap please no) i just wonder these things...
and key, what is his deal? is he just like 'YOLO let me watch Jonghyun beat ppl up all day?' or is he secretly annoyed with Jonghyun's actions? how will Minho step up for Jinki, will Minho like forecfully merge Onew and Taemin with Jonghyun and Key? will he show eachother the better sides of the other? hmm...
good stuff as always, I just...there are so many ways this story can go it makes ma mind all excited and stuff...ayjayjay glad to see you updateeeee :D
you know I really love your fanfic, especially this one, and I wait like everyday
And when I see you updating, I smile like crazy while my sister look at me strangely
Okay, gotta read this ASAP
Anyway thank you for updating ^____^
Can't wait for the next chapter :))))
Is this going to be updated🙈
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