1. Name: Linh Tong
2. Age:14
3. Location:Pelham , AL
4. Tell us about yourself: i am vietnamese, i go to pelham high school, i love going to concerts/shows, im not very involved in anything at school, go to the movies alot, hang out with friends, music is my life, basically i love to live for the moment, i am also Buddhist.
5. 5-10 favorite bands:atreyu, underOATH, scary kids scaring kids, alesana, point hollow, remembering never, fall out boy
6. 3 least favorite bands:good charlotte, simple plan, beastie boys
7. Favorite book:you dont know me
8. Favorite food: cheesecake
9. Favorite color:red
10. Favorite quote (not from a song):"never more...never more...."-edgar allen poe
11. Favorite lyric:"why dont you tell all your friends youve got your gun to my head." - taking back sunday
12. What makes you emo? the fact that i over react alot. listen to "emo/screamo" music, need people to care about me in my life
13. What is your definition of emo? someone who is "scene", knows good music, can be very emotional and sensitive, and doesnt relaly care what other people think
http://www.livejournal.com/community/emocore_hotties/15. Why should we accept you? you shouldnt. i look like crap.