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Comments 16

Bass-icly, you need $$$$ anonymous March 6 2003, 17:34:57 UTC
Times are tough all over.
My temp agency prospect didn't work out due to the high volume of jobless mutha's coming in there, requesting work.

I hope you find a job before Cream Squirrels starts tugging on yer dress, since we both know what happens to ladies who stay in that line of work for too long ! But if ya gotta do it, by all means do it, just don't do the shit that goes on in the ladies room, if ya catch my drift !

Thankyou for calling me ! Even when I only get to hear your messages, it still brightens my day !


Re: Bass-icly, you need $$$$ blackangeltear March 8 2003, 10:53:43 UTC
Money tight
Times are had
Here's your fucking
Sympathy card

Other night Bill and I went to the Boobie Bungalow. It's in Tennessee, near Ardmore, to the best of my knowledge. I'm thinking I may give it a whirl next week, STRICTLY on a TRIAL basis. The girls were hospitable, and damn near begged me to become part of the crew...crew...heh. Ironically enough, and- bear in mind this was the 1st time I had set foot in the jinjoint-the stage setup was as I had imagined it...spacious, mirrors on the back wall,with the pole dead center...I did a set to relieve the other dancers, cause there were like, 3.

And the WC in dreamgirls no longer comes eqiupped with stall doors...wonder why?!

And if all I am to you is a saved voice message, then we're in sore shape...

I Love You,


P.S. Main reason I'm selling the bass is that Im looking for something more lightweight and manageble. Like, say, a Dan Electro...that Ibanez is an anvil...Wouldn't do for me to topple over on stage!? EEP!


dreamwarden March 7 2003, 02:16:40 UTC
Joo are a silly girl :) Anyway, that bass sounds pretty interesting and if it weren't close to time to pay the government its prostitution money for fucking me up the ass yet again this year, I would buy it :( G'luck selling it!


Hurt me, baby! blackangeltear March 8 2003, 10:34:33 UTC
Shank you...you talented dude.
And bend over, it's my turn...or would prefer it with the strap-on?!

Oh-and wittiness isn't the least of my surprises...

I was thinking how much I'd like to put a face with a name...
Want that you should send me a picture?


Re: Hurt me, baby! dreamwarden March 8 2003, 14:12:20 UTC
The only digitized pic I have is on my website, and its about 30 pounds heavier than I am now. Hmmm. I have a more recent pic (not digitized yet) but there is a girl in it with me, and I despise showing that one around because it reminds me of the whole torrid affair and I get all VENGEFUL and ANGRY and, er I mean I get all misty eyed and pitiful... :)

If I had one done, where would you like it sent? I really don't have any problem giving you my email at chinkle@socal.rr.com

Drop me a line sometime :)


Re: Hurt me, baby! blackangeltear March 9 2003, 15:29:23 UTC
The pictures you see on my bio were taken approximately one year ago. If Tony will eve reove his finger from his ass and develop those shots we did, I can revamp my bio and update my portfolio...you can then swipe one from it...or I can mail you a personalized copy. Up to you.
HowEVER, it will not be autographed...some anonymous stranger is e-mailing me religiously, badgering me to send him a signed photograph.WTF?!
Think I'll post on it in an attempt to uncover his identity..

Send yours to:

Love and licks,


emildehedgehog March 7 2003, 07:26:33 UTC
I am not a big guitar man, so I'll have to pass on your offer.

However, this morning, I mailed your gift certificate.
You will hopefully receive a letter.
A plan tan 6x9 envelope, with the word "From: Emildehedgehog"
on the back.
The certificate, along with a short, personal letter are inside the envelope.

You should get the letter in about 3-5 days.

Hope you have a good weekend.


COOL.AS.FUCK. blackangeltear March 8 2003, 10:26:10 UTC
And a RESOUNDING THANK YOU. MERCI. GRACIAS. for your thoughtfulness...I will be like a bull in a china shop..
I am eagerly anticipating it's arrival, and meantime, there are an array of Victoria's zines spread about my room.
Since I still us my father's address, I relayed to him over and again to be on the lookout for my package, so that the other member's of the household do not mistake it for their own...

But I'm assuming the gift certificate will be in my name?!

I'll drink one in your honor tonight.

Always and forever,



Re: COOL.AS.FUCK. emildehedgehog March 9 2003, 11:51:46 UTC
Thank You.
There is no return address on the package, but on the back, it will say From: Emildehedgehog.

That way, you will know it was from me.

Also, there are three stamp with the American flag on the front of the package.

The certificate is in your name.

Hope you have a good weekend.


Re: COOL.AS.FUCK. blackangeltear March 9 2003, 15:15:53 UTC
*perched in front of window; goggles positioned*

Btw: What IS your 'real life' name?!

love, love, love..

all you need is love,



turbopunk March 7 2003, 07:48:12 UTC
hey, sounds pretty good to me. i was just starting to think i need a bass. i'm not gunna say 'gimme now' cuz blah blah blah.

but, i am seriously interested, so if ya sell it before i get everythingl ined up, just mention it, k?


Thumbs up! blackangeltear March 8 2003, 11:02:09 UTC
Find me in Vinyl tonight....
IF vampy13 does not bow out, we should make it out 'round 10:30ish, but nay before...sure we can work something out...
When I posted, you were the first person that popped in my head and I awaited your response...Guess that was Chris's base at Coventry hanging from the wall...



Fantasm is April 17-20....Fantasm.org, if you will. Wanna tag along, lemme know in that respect, too!


lavenderskies March 8 2003, 01:07:26 UTC
*cries* i wish i could buy it off of you as i really really want one,and want to help you out. but shit, i have an infected wisdom tooth that HAS to be pulled( getting it pulled 3/10/03) or else the infection can kill me.lortab is my friend...i just sent you out a cute little postcard, i hope you like it and it brightens up your day.lovey doveys xoxoxJ.


This do in remembrance... blackangeltear March 8 2003, 11:13:31 UTC
Thank you for thinking of me!
Do you play? Bass? One summer I decided I was gunna purchase a set of drums and teach myself....huh, what a slap in the face! I had a friend lemme test my skills on his set....let's just chalk it up as failure of coordination to comply...that and noodles for arms!

Oh my shit, that reminds me...mine need to be yanked and SOON...every month or so I have sore periods where they are involved. If not removed, wisdom teeth can rot your molars. And my row of bottom teeth are cramped like a mutha...YOUCH!

But fear no more, NO ONE has money free-flowing outta their arse..SCHTOOPID, POINTLESS war fiends....
Say, while you're at it, spare a lortab for your oppressed friend? Every thing looks brighter when you're tore back!!

CAll me. CAll me.
Don't forget to callllll meeeeeeeee! And kiss Jay for me!



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