SPN 11.23 Alpha and Omega

Jun 06, 2016 19:42

SPN 11.23 Alpha and Omega

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Comments 7

borgmama1of5 June 7 2016, 03:55:49 UTC
Reese was our Amara avatar, and Sully was Chuck.

What a brilliant catch!

I, too, loved that Amara was not the 'evil' and that Dean was able to show her an alternative with his words and his heart. And truly, only Dean could have done that.

I felt satisfied with how Amara's mytharc played out...and want to know what happens next, especially since Sam will start the season not knowing Dean is still alive.

I've enjoyed your insights all season and look forward to them again in October!


blackcat333_99 June 15 2016, 00:10:06 UTC
Thank you for your comments - they are truly appreciated. It's nice to share thoughts with those who are still enjoying the show, and you turn up every week. I always look forward to it. :) Bring it on, new season! I am ready for you. Seriously, I can't believe how ... upbeat ... of a cliffie we got this year, I was totally expecting to be Jossed somehow.


ferlonda June 9 2016, 01:12:08 UTC
Fascinating take on this whole story...

I have one quibble: light without dark is exhausting and ultimately fatal just as dark without light would be. Balance is all.


blackcat333_99 June 15 2016, 00:14:13 UTC
Sorry for the belated response. I appreciate your comment, and I do agree. I probably could have been a little more clear in indicating that balance is absolutely necessary. Amara's existence/darkness balances the light this world needs in the SPN-verse... just better from a distance, not directly touching/infecting things. Just like the sun is a certain distance from the earth, and how it thrives and lives out its days and nights. Maybe one of the un-intended messages from this season is answering Dean's question about Chuck's hands-off approach to the world.... because it is better off for a little distance, but still there if there was a critical need for a balancing intervention. Hmm. I'll enjoy thinking about this some more, thanks!


ferlonda June 19 2016, 20:57:05 UTC
There's a lot to think about here, for sure!


enaiowen June 14 2016, 13:31:50 UTC
Wonderful, thoughtful review as always and well worth waiting for.
Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts with us.


blackcat333_99 June 15 2016, 00:15:08 UTC
Thank you! Always enjoy your comments too. :)


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