ever wanna be a superhero? well now you can be! im instating a superfriends network, so we can all be superheros!!! to join, just leave me youre name, codename, superpowers, and team affiliation and Ill add you to the list!!! haha!!! im totally making a comm out of this.
^~denotes team captains.
The Random Rejected Power Rangers
1: The Rainbow Ranger^, with the power to turn straight men gay, and put a smile on anyones face. Zord: Saber Toothed Pony- Travis
2: The Fuck-You Ranger^, with the ultimate power to FUCK YOU UP! Zord: Floppy Eared Hippo with Flippers- Erin
3: The Original Black Ranger, with the power to pop a cap in yo' ass! Complete with gat, wire hangar, pimp suit, and hoes. Zord: A Giant Lowrider (i made this up for you!!! haha!)- Jerrett
4: The Psycho Ranger, with the power to make any situation go from semi-normal to completely random just by being there, and unload pretty and completely random pyro-technics of all kinds. Zord: Big Green Dragon- Amanda
*~ 1 open slot!
The XXX-Men
1:The Horndog, with the power to make anyone horny- Richard
~7 slots available!
The Injustice League
~6 slots available!
The Funtasmic Four
~4 slots available!
The Horny Teenage Super Turtles
~4 slots available!
hehe, boredom is a many splendid thing.