could you please explain to me why i shouldn't have a dog. do u realize how mean that is. that is like saying i shouldn't reproduce. (which i don't plan on) for the past 6 months my life has been nothing but cats and dogs. both of my employers thinks that i'm great with animals and what makes u the holy god of chooseing who should have a dog or not? so why are u picking on me about it?
i'm pretty much home all the time. i only work 8-9 hours 5 days a week and they are at night time... don't most dogs sleep at night. and u have to start somewhere right, the only times i quit jobs was when i had health issues and when i lost my job in apalachicola i got a new one within a week. i do have a savings account and i have had my cats for over 2 years i know cats can be easier at times but u really wouldn't know either because u have never owned a cat. if petigree wasn't a food then they wouldn't say it on the bag, as i said the only reason why i got it was because it was 1:40 in the morning and i was at walmart u need to let that one go. i wasn't going to get a dog until i got mom's ok and i did. she's never there so it should be fine if it's inside. ur judgeing before anything even happens and that sucks. and anyone would get mad at you for saying that they shouldn't have a dog when they really want one. all you know about me is what i write in my journals now a days and what other people tell you. the truth is
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