To show you what I did in the past 2 months. ;)
That was me this morning fishing in Winterspring. ;)
Oh yeah, and here is my not so good equip but it could be worse I guess.
Where there are 2 items named means I usually have both in my inventory and change as needed.
Felhide Cap //
Engraved Helm of the Tiger Neck:
Talisman of Evasion //
Halycon's Spiked Collar Shoulder:
Stratholme Militia Shoulderguard Back:
Shadow Prowler's Cloak Chest:
Black Dragonscale Breastplate Wrist:
Beastmaster's Bindings Hands:
Beaststalker's Gloves (+7 Agi Enchant)
Beaststalker's Belt Legs:
Abyssal Mail Legguards of Striking Feet:
Abyssal Mail Sabatons of Striking Finger 1:
Archaedic Stone of the Eagle Finger 2:
Masons Fraternity Ring Trinket 1:
Carrot on a Stick //
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas (got it just now *dances*) Trinket 2:
Devilsaur Tooth Weapons:
Bloodrazor (Someone gifted me with it)
Hanzo Sword-
Deep Strike Bow Pets:
Rak'shiri (Winterspring Rare)
Olm the wise (Felwood Rare) now called Hedwig :P
I haven't been hunting for epic weapons or set pieces as it wasn't clear I could keep the char at all. Three days ago Mogli said it would be okay to transfer her. So yay, no more declining to go to MC, Onyxia or Zul Gurub . :P