OOC Permissions post

Nov 11, 2020 22:29

Considering the nature of this character, I do feel this is necessary. For a very large portion of what he would do I will need player permission, and I also realize that he may well squick some players.

So this post is to aid in that. If you have no issues with him messing around with your character, feel free to comment and tell me what your limits are. If you prefer I not tag your character with him, the same applies.

All comments will be screened. Anything brought up in this post will be between you and me.

Since IP logging is off, you must comment with either a RP journal in Luceti at the time of the comment, or the personal journal listed on the taken characters list with the request and what character or characters it will apply to if you have more than one character.

If you are looking for what I'll permit for him here is the place to look.
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