Someone(i think c.s. lewis) once said something like this: "You cannot keep your heart in a coffin. If you do it will quickly die, you've got to open it up and give it sunshine. And even though theres a chance of pain with the sunshine its better then just dying"
...thats not the exact words, but yeah. Its hard opening up to people. It can leave you with hurt and pain. But God will also give you the people who make you feel better by just listening to them talk to you on the phone about a band(you), and you've gotta let both people into your life. The good and the bad, knowing that God will take good from the good(duh) and from the bad. He'll grow pretty little daisies from all that dern horse poop.
I tried to email you and it said you didnt exist. This is what I was gonna say:
Turns out I can't call tonight. Is Friday evening ok? If not how about Saturday, I can call whenever on Saturday. I'm so sorry i can't call tonight, things are insanely hectic. I might be online tonight but Im not sure. Ok well, I'm off.
oh its not that, its just kinda of scary cause not a whole lot of people actually see it (like one chick who lives in melbourne, lol) and i didnt want you to think i was psycho or anything. altho this one is pretty tame compared to the other. NO ONE sees that one. i'd have to murder you if you found it, lol, jk.
Comments 9
"You cannot keep your heart in a coffin. If you do it will quickly die, you've got to open it up and give it sunshine. And even though theres a chance of pain with the sunshine its better then just dying"
...thats not the exact words, but yeah. Its hard opening up to people. It can leave you with hurt and pain. But God will also give you the people who make you feel better by just listening to them talk to you on the phone about a band(you), and you've gotta let both people into your life. The good and the bad, knowing that God will take good from the good(duh) and from the bad. He'll grow pretty little daisies from all that dern horse poop.
Turns out I can't call tonight. Is Friday evening ok? If not how about Saturday, I can call whenever on Saturday. I'm so sorry i can't call tonight, things are insanely hectic. I might be online tonight but Im not sure. Ok well, I'm off.
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