Okay, so last year i had some trouble making predictions, they were a little conflicting and confusing with gemstones going missing and new ones turning up.
In 2016, i will need to clear negative attachments, cords, karmic contracts, traumas and blockages in my emotional body and in my interpersonal relationships i have. For this to happen, i need to use forgiveness. This will improve my general health. Through being able to forgive, i will be able to let go of old emotional traumas and hurts of the past, which has resulted in establishing a set of belief patterns that have been creating undesirable effects in my life.
Difficult times are ahead which will fuel feelings of fear and anxiety and i will need to make an important decision with discernment and understanding, unclouded by my emotions(yes). This will need courage, self confidence and strength of will( yes,this i believe was leaving my friendship with ryan behind). But upon doing so will bring prosperity and good luck in the form of money( yes i got offered my current job around the time where i was leaving him).
Cheerful, pleasant people will enter my life, bringing out change (yes, the children at work). This change will strengthen relationships in my life as it brings a stream of happiness, joy and contentment in my life, which will flow through to those with whom i am in contact with. And i will finally get some of the things done that i have been avoiding lately.
There will be times of sorrow and seemingly impossible obstacles, which may come from an unexpected mechanical breakdown of some sort. Which will put me in a bad mood and cause unspoken resentments between me and another person, which will result in disparaging remarks that drains a persons own strength and enthusiam of reaching my personal and business goals. Generally this will come down to a persons fear of something, which makes them stressed and express this through anger and jealousy.(yes, my boss) But there will be light at the end of the tunnel and i will slowly see improvements in this long-standing worry (yes, shes leaving).
2016 will see me lose some weight (yes, i did) and break some self-defeating habits that may be holding me back.
This emotional healing and stability will come from having courage to form new friendships, which may grow into a new love or facilitate a re-growth of a former love. There will also be an increase in money around this time.
During 2016 i will also struggle with disorientation, lack of motivation, chronic disorgansization and distraction (yes, i really did). But with a bit of self-assurance i can endure these adverse situations that creates these struggles. There will be an elimination of debt (yes, i paid off what i owed littlewoods) and a change of perspective on my thoughts and feelings of being being jinxed all these years. This alternative viewpoint i've always rejected will suddenly make sense.
To help my Neuralgia, i need to learn not to react to peoples arrogance which may have been creating stress and anxiety in my life.
I will learn the power of optimism, generosity through having confidence and charitable behaviour.
This will resolve a difficult situation, and avoid over-thinking and/or over analyzing things, but instead to just enjoy the experience of living in the now. This will help me overcome feelings of apathy and transform my ideas into action.
I will experience moments of love, compassion and kindness. And with a little bit of patience and persistence i can gradually eliminate bad habits, which have results in me feeling a little lost and overwhelmed. I, or someone i know may experience injury or prolonged illness which will result in requiring hospitalization.(yes, that would be my dad) I must try to understand and endure these frustrating and painful experiences. And try not to give in to feelings of uncertainity about life, as trying to go backwards would be a mistake and old problems would recur. Instead i should remain optismistic about the future.(yes) A return to normal life and to find things that may have once been lost.
i, or someone i know with an overly critical state of mind may face difficult communications and confrontations, resulting from acts of selfishness, rudeness and facetiousness.(yes) I will get more involved with environmental protection and human rights.
I will need strength and ability to overcome abuse issues which have resulted in me having to overcome shyness of the past years. Once i have overcome this, i will find promotion, success and lasting recognition in my field of work. I will need to get myself noticed in a positive way.(possibly)
i'll develop high standards of behavior in not just myself, but in others, which will help promote passion in love and life. This passion will help release any fears of sexual intimacy, but instead give me a chance to achieve my heart's desire, without falling into the trap of sudden temptation, which may jepodise my safety and sense of security.
2016 will be the year i notice an uptake in occurences of coincidences and moments of synchronicity. These moments will allow me to see there are truly no mistakes in life, which will encourage self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and most importantly, self-love.
Instead of harbouring feelings of greed and resentment, they remind me to value mistakes as well as successes. These stressful mental patterns that i had been holding on to have resulted in me being isolated and feeling lonely, these are unhealthy patterns in my own behaviour.
In the Spring, i will be lucky in love and find security within its power. I will find justice for the times i had been teased for my weight, by being bale to silence the sniping of someone who tries to make me feel inferior through my success with things.
2017 is about advancement, confidence and facilitating a positive attitude. This will help to reduce anxiety caused by feelings of isolation or inadequacy, and help me overcome discouragement to presevere through the long haul of the year.
I will try to reflect the qualities that i wish to see in others, to live up to my own ideals and ideas about the nature of truth.
Success, abundance and a sense of personal power will dissipate a fear of being alone or unworthy of love, which has caused me to experience depression, self doubt, anger and the occasional irrational mood swing of late.
I will learn to speak up and to to be ignored or bullied, this will give me a chance to achieve my hearts desire, but i must beware of sudden temptations.
A journey will present itself, which will result in a promotion, success and lasting recognition in my field. To attain this, i must habour a 'go with the flow' attitude, reclaiming all i was meant to be.
There may come a circumstance where something or someone is not as it seems, and it will provide a 'wake up call', that something positive needs to be done. I need to hold back insults and recognize that revenge and retaliation are self-destructive.
I may face major illness, financial disappointment, heartache or intense unhappiness.
I need to transmute lust and excessive libido into a loving exchange of passionate sexual energy to assist in achieving tantric union. To do this i must examine my innermost emotions to determine what i really want to be and who, if anyone, i want to be with. Perseverance, discipline and light heartedness will help to do this.
A lover my return. I must go with what is on offer rather than waiting for the ideal opportunity or time. This will help me cope emotionally with a difficult circumstance in my life. I need to allow others to help me sometimes. I will find a new love, and find myself in a co-dependent relationship, of which i may find life difficult and need to learn more about being happy.
Joy, happiness, respect and good fortune will come if i stand my ground and repeat my words until i am heard, with politeness.
I may experience sexual issues which may cause problems in a relationship, brough on by jealousy or spite which needs to be deflected.
I will receive another invitation to travel.
I need to decrease some anger nature in my life, either orginating from myself or something externally, so that i am comfortable with myself without the need to pretend to be anthing but what i am
I need to let someone be responsible for their own health concerns and stand back from situations regarding this, both mentally and emotionally.
I will be able to silence the sniping of someone who tries to make me feel inferior through my success. I may doubt someone's loyalthy, but i need not worry.
I will use self-confidence and determination to overcome timidity and propel myself toward prosperity and achievement. This wil result in finding faithful passionate commitment and closeness with someone, with a chance of possible conception.