Song: Away from the Sun. Artist: 3 Doors Down.
Pairing: Sarah Jane/(older) Maria.
Rating & Warning: Major character death.
A/N: This is deliberately non specific. You can decide who you think is the one who died.
Youtube: ...
It was too late when she finally woke up. It was too late when she scrambled from beneath the shell of the car, glass biting into her hands, as she ran to her lover’s side of the crashed vehicle. It was far too late when she started screaming, when she fished her mobile from her pocket and tapped in those same three numbers.
She was dead. She could feel it under her fingers, the unresponsive plain of bloodied skin holding no pulse. Her chest flat and unmoving.
She clasped at the woman’s hand, as if somehow it could bring her back, as if somehow her touch could tether her to the world of the living.
Her tears washed the blood from her own face.
The blue flashing lights played across the floor. The emergency team were pulling at her, asking her questions, shining lights into her eyes. She wanted to swat them away, redirect them to the woman lying next to her. Didn’t they understand? Didn’t they see that if they could save the prone form before her, then they could save her too? Why weren’t they doing anything? Why?
Hands began pulling, coaxing, trying to get her to let go. She wouldn’t. She wouldn’t stop holding onto the love of her life, she couldn’t. It was impossible, illogical.
They gave up coaxing, and instead forced her to let go. A small push at the pressure point in her wrist, and her fingers betrayed her, unclasping from the woman’s hand.
She began screaming again, screaming until her throat was raw and the noise was echoing in the small confines of the ambulance. Something scratched at her arm, and she looked down with flashing eyes, as the needle withdrew. She was aware of the doors closing , of the way the sun looked as it burnt in the sky, fading.
Her own eyes closed, and she knew that should would never again see that sun. See the colours of life. All she would see was that body. Her body. A sight she would never be able to forget.