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Sep 03, 2007 20:36

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1) Would you set up totalbabemagnet and not_your_sibkin? LOL
2) Is stopmyfall introverted or extroverted? Uh....she's an innie. :)
3) One quality you find attractive in andbrainstoo? Boobs
4) How long would iseedaemonites dating ivana_breakyou last? Haha like 10 secs
5) What would stopmyfall do differently in your shoes? Try and make shitty music
6) What exotic animal would the_grifter_ like as a pet? I dunno, but he probably wouldn't take care of it.
7) Where did you first meet ivana_breakyou? Project Genesis
8) What is not_your_sibkin's favorite color? Dunno
9) How would totalbabemagnet conquer the world? With his gas. :/
10) Where was the_grifter_ born? Uhh...L.A., I think.
11) If totalbabemagnet took over the world, who would be happy? Him and Roxy
12) How many monkeys could stopmyfall fight at once and win against? She beat Monkey Island 1 and 2, so a lot.
13) What mental disorder does ivana_breakyou remind you of? All of them.
14) If andbrainstoo was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? She is. Pretty much everyone.
15) Does iseedaemonites do drugs? I dunno. Maybe?
16) If ivana_breakyou had a superpower, what would it be? Super Bitch
17) Do you think iseedaemonites is hot? :D Duh
18) What is the_grifter_'s favorite food? Cigarettes and booze
19) What is stopmyfall's favorite game? Dance Dance Revolution
20) Did zealous_kheran break up with you? LOL no
21) Would you wrestle zealous_kheran in jello? Yeah, but she'd win. She's kinda scary.
22) What flavor of jello would not_your_sibkin be? Lime
23) Is zealous_kheran dead sexy? Yah, she's hot but she's crazy.
24) If ivana_breakyou and andbrainstoo were spliced together, what would be its name? Effed Up
25) What do you agree with iseedaemonites about? Strippers are a must
26) What is not_your_sibkin's shoe size? Dunno
27) Is andbrainstoo related to you? Nope
28) Would andbrainstoo and not_your_sibkin make a good couple? God no
29) What is andbrainstoo allergic to? Nothing I know of
30) Is iseedaemonites popular? With dudes, yah.
31) Does ivana_breakyou have a dog? Yeah. Evo.
32) If stopmyfall were hanging off a cliff, what would iseedaemonites do? Ask her why she doesn't just fly up.
33) Are stopmyfall and iseedaemonites going steady? LOLOLOL
34) Does andbrainstoo know zealous_kheran? Yep
35) Does the_grifter_ have a big secret? Probably a lot of them. That'd be funny if he was gay. LOL
36) Would not_your_sibkin and stopmyfall look good together? LOL no, she thinks he's an uggo.
37) If the_grifter_ and stopmyfall were spliced together, what would it be like? There's no way they'd ever get that close...
38) If totalbabemagnet and stopmyfall were siamese twins where would they be joined? The brain. Since they think the same anyway.
39) What rank would zealous_kheran have in a giant robot army? She's prolly be the leader or w/e
40) Is ivana_breakyou single? Kinda.
41) Are ivana_breakyou and zealous_kheran going out? LOL no
42) iseedaemonites's eye color? Ummm....brown I think.
43) Is iseedaemonites friends with andbrainstoo? They've met, I think.
44) Where was ivana_breakyou born? New York.
45) What is not_your_sibkin's biggest flaw? He looks like Corey Feldman LOL
46) If iseedaemonites commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Evey dude ever.
47) Does ivana_breakyou go to your school? LOL no
48) Do not_your_sibkin and totalbabemagnet go to the same school? Eddie dropped out, I think.
49) What song/movie would you recommend to zealous_kheran? Something that would chill her out.
50) Is iseedaemonites in a relationship? Hope not. :D
51) Could you see totalbabemagnet and iseedaemonites together? LOL, Eddie couldn't handle that shit.
52) What languages does iseedaemonites speak? English and Spanish I know of.
53) Are not_your_sibkin and stopmyfall married? LOLLOLOLOL
54) Does ivana_breakyou have a crush on the_grifter_? Probably. She's effing nuts.
55) Have you ever dated zealous_kheran? Nope.
56) What animal does ivana_breakyou remind you of? Bitch. Or a snake.
57) How would totalbabemagnet kill andbrainstoo? With his gas. Again. :/
58) Which president would the_grifter_ be likely to idolize? Whoever liked guns the most.
59) Is andbrainstoo a nerd? LOLOLOL YES
60) If the_grifter_ took over the world, who would suffer? That would be scary. :(
61) Does andbrainstoo travel a lot? Yep.
62) What is zealous_kheran's favorite movie? PRolly Gladiator or something.
63) How long have you known iseedaemonites? Like for awhile now.
64) Is andbrainstoo related to ivana_breakyou? No
65) Which of your friends should andbrainstoo go out with? None that I know are single.
66) What color should ivana_breakyou dye their hair? don't care
67) Is not_your_sibkin athletic? I guess
68) What word best describes andbrainstoo? Boobs
69) Do you have a crush on andbrainstoo? :| No comment
70) Would stopmyfall go out with zealous_kheran? LOLOL
71) Would you ever date zealous_kheran? No, she would kill my ass.
72) What animal should iseedaemonites be combined with? LOLOL donkey
73) Is ivana_breakyou 1337? No, she's 5uXX0rz
74) Is ivana_breakyou your best friend? NO
75) Where would iseedaemonites most like to visit? The mall.
76) When did you last call totalbabemagnet? This morning
77) Does stopmyfall smoke? Yes. :/ Eww.
78) Is totalbabemagnet a college student? LOL no too dumb.
79) Does stopmyfall drink? Probably. That's why she's so short.
80) Thoughts on totalbabemagnet? He's my bro.
81) Have you flirted with ivana_breakyou? NO
82) One thing you can't stand about stopmyfall? She smokes, she talks too much, she whines, and especially her taste in god awful music.
83) Has iseedaemonites dyed their hair? Dunno.
84) What comic book character would not_your_sibkin be? Cpt. Ugly LOL
85) What planet should iseedaemonites be from? Earth I guess?
86) What would you do if you found out stopmyfall has a crush on you? Uhh... :/ That would be kinda weird I think.
87) Is totalbabemagnet an emo? Hell no.
88) ivana_breakyou's hair color? Black
89) Is totalbabemagnet a high school student? Not anymore.
90) What would zealous_kheran give the_grifter_ for his/her birthday? Stress.
91) Would you make out with andbrainstoo? No comment
92) Do you have zealous_kheran's screenname? No
93) Would ivana_breakyou be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate cause she's evil
94) What is andbrainstoo's favorite band/artist? Beastie Boys! She has -some- taste, at least.
95) How tall is iseedaemonites? Pretty tall. Like, my height almost.
96) What would you do if zealous_kheran died? I dunno.
97) What would andbrainstoo think of ivana_breakyou? She hates her.
98) What do you disagree with iseedaemonites about? I don't think dudes are hot.
99) Has the_grifter_ been to your house/dorm? Yeah. Way too often. I have no idea why, either. :/
100) What video game does ivana_breakyou remind you of? She's not that cool.
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