Alias Premiere, a little bit of Lost

Jan 05, 2005 23:28

Spoilers ahoy!

So I'm pretty bummed that they killed that Tamazaki(sp?) guy. #1, he was hot. Reeeeaally hot. #2, he made a nifty bad guy. And #3, he had good chemistry with Sydney. I liked the way he said "Sydney" with a kind of gently admonishing tone right before he got down to the drowning torture. And damn, those arms. And that snake tatoo was cool. I'm pretty sure I recognize him from somewhere--was it The Fast and the Furious? The head motorcycle gang guy? Why does Alias always have to kill off all the pretty, interesting bad guys (remember Simon?) and yet still keep bringing back Sloane(sp?)? Those guys sure love Sloane. I have to admit I'd kind of miss his creeptasticness if they ever killed him off for real. And I cannot be-LIEVE they so went there with the Sloan creepy-touching Sydney. I can't believe Sydney allowed it.

I'm really happy to see more Nadia. I like her. I like her relationship with Sydney. I'd like to see more of that. Especially when they kick ass side by side.

I'm not buyin' that Derevko's dead.

I miss Will, but he's busy over at the WB, so not likely I'll be seein' much of him on Alias any time soon.

Yaaaay, Marshall! And eating eggs with Sark! Ha! Hilarious stuff. Someone needs to write that scene like, stat. I'm pretty sure I can't write Alias myself. Since Sark was mentioned I'm assuming he'll be appearing eventually. He better be. He's still my favorite.

I'm not against the Syd/Vaughn as long as they keep it fun.

I wish there'd been an actual sword-on-sword fight, instead of sword against meathooks.

The whole revelation of Irina being killed by Jack seemed like an anti-climax. Maybe I'd been reading too much fanfic, but I totally expected the documents to say that Syd and Sark were siblings or something equally devastating. Even the part about Irina ordering the hit on Sydney felt ho-hum. What's the big deal? They've attempted killing each other before.

The new Black Ops hide-out looked more like a trendy bar lounge, i.e. ridiculous. But such is the trademark of this show. I still love it, anyway. The silliness is part of its appeal. I totally called it that Syd was fake quitting for some even more super-secret organization.

All in all it was an okay premiere. It could've been more dramatic, especially after that cliffhanger from last season, but whatever, I'm still gonna keep watching. Lost remains the better show, in my opinion. I don't have much to say about this episode, except that I was very surprised to see how far the relationship between Kate and Sawyer had progressed. And now that we know that Kate lied when she took the gun from Sawyer in the polar bear episode and pretended to not know how to use a gun. I knew the way she'd taken that gun from Sawyer like a pro had been bothering me in the back of my mind, but it didn't really click 'til now.

Okay, I lied, I have more to say. I still like Jack and Kate as in Jack-and-Kate. I like the way only he can get that little bit of truth out of her that no one else can. And he doesn't fall for her tricks, like when she took the key when he wasn't looking but he wasn't fooled anyway. I think it's cool that things are progressing the way they are, with Sawyer and Kate coming on rapidly, while Jack and Kate is something that keeps resisting, but getting in deeper anyway. Or something like that. That's not very coherent. The whole dynamic makes sense because Sawyer and Kate not only have chemistry but understand each other very well. Sawyer may harass her to satisfy his curiousity, as he puts it, but you know he'll do anything to keep her around. To just "be". Whereas Jack demands more of her. It's so cool.

Oh! And I sure as hell didn't see the Shannon/Sayid coming! That was totally cool and completely unexpected. And weird. Shannon has a pretty singing voice.

Oh yeah! And how could I forget: "Is he your new boyfriend?" The look on Boone's face! Woah.

I was really annoyed by the black woman and the whole praying with Charlie scene. Chalk it up to the atheist in me. It grated. It still makes me grit my teeth thinking about it. If I'd been warned ahead of time that the premise of the show was about Good and Evil in a religious/Christian sense it wouldn't have bothered me. I hope that's not the road this show is going down. At least not completely.

I felt bad for the manager of the bank. He was really trying to help "Maggie". I liked how cold-blooded Kate was when she shot her partners-in-crime. Sawyer doesn't really know what he's dealing with. Strangely enough, though, Kate's still a people-person. She likes making friends, she just doesn't like letting them know the real Kate.

I loved the scene where she told her robber-boyfriend "don't hold back" and he really let her have it. And Sawyer thinks that they've been playing it rough. Sawyer's a pussy-cat compared to Kate. And Kate has a much stronger self-preservation streak in her.

Next episode looks eventful. Can't wait.
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