Title: Hope For the Best, Recover From the Rest
Author: BlackIndiaInk
Rating: PG (until later chapters)
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Disclaimer: No infringement is intended and no profit was made by the author for this work.
Summary: An unlikely visitor comes to town on Callie's first day as a full fledged attending.
A/N: I wrote this forever ago (Oct. '09
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Comments 21
I really loved the line about human awkwardness at its finest!
;-) That was one of my favorite things I wrote in this chapter so I am glad you liked it!
Great start and can't wait for more!
Okay, now that I've said that: I love this story, Erica Hahn tends to ruin a lot of things in life. Callie's nice inspirational, Ortho-bad-ass high would be one of them.
Curious to see how this plays out.
Maybe Arizona can show Callie exactly how dirty she can fight and do a little hair pulling on Erica's part. lmfao.
Great start. (;
Oh, I think Arizona will definitely know how to stand her ground. ;-) Thanks so much for your review.
And the ending, I love how you wrote the whole last paragraph. I could see that scene happening.
That last scene is a little more dramatic if I could have left out a part of the summary but life is life. Glad you thought it was fun.
This chapter is a good foundation stone to work on for the rest of your story. I mean the feelings are so what's the word i'm looking for? Familiar?
Definitely had a few good days in my life gone awry. Good times good times. Haha.
Healing definitely takes a long time. Depending on the severity of the wound/cut.
I know it's just one of those times when you wake up and you think, I've got this, and then it all goes to hell and the walls tumble down.
It doesn't help when those wounds keep getting opened right back up again.
Your real muse isn't even back? This is impressive.
Oh yeah. Totally. Had a lot of those days this past year but i've held my ground and my head up high. :3
Mhmm. Sucks.
No she has deserted me for the moment. You can tell in the choppiness and lack of flow but thanks.
Well, nothing is worse than having a year full of punches in the gut.
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