Hmm. So, let's humor a bored Black Jeweled Warlord Prince. Give me your name and sex, then fill out a little survey. Send it as a comment to me, and I'll give you the Jewel of rank as well as caste you might have been if you were Blood. Sound fun~?
The darker and deeper your Jewel, the more power it holds.
These are the Jewels )
Comments 128
I see: my roommate's chocolate obsession.
I hear: a fly buzzing around.
I hold: the power to make people flail.
I obsess: over what I can't have.
I can: read.
I can't: feel.
I eat: chinese.
I feel: nothing.
I love: nothing.
I hate: nothing.
I strive: to be obnoxious.
I sense: a disturbance in the Force.
I believe: in nothing.
I hurt: that which I can.
I serve: myself.
I cry: for no one.
I blame: myself.
I fear: Xemnas's endless pontification.
I sex: and don't tell.
I see: a brighter future.
I hear: quiet.
I hold: nothing...
I obsess: over nothing.
I can: lead my people.
I can't: give up.
I eat: ... food?
I feel: and do as I must.
I love: my home.
I hate: war and destruction.
I strive: to lead as well as my father and brother.
I sense: uncertainty...
I believe: in my abilities.
I hurt: and mourn.
I serve: my people.
I cry: for those lost.
I blame: no one.
I fear: the repeating of history.
I sex: I-- what?
An interesting questionnaire...
I see: Huh?! Uhm... The screen on the PDA...!
I hold: The uh... thing I type with...!
I obsess: Barrels!!
I can: Er... walk?
I can't: Understand what these questions are supposed to mean... Ngh...!
I eat: Food!
I feel: Er, well I'm kind of tired, if that counts!
I love: Barrels!!!
I hate: Erm... I can't think of anything now...!
I strive: To... to... Find more barrels!
I sense: That I'm failing this test...!
I believe: In monsters...!
I hurt: Huh?! I'm not hurt...! Whaaaat?!!
I serve: Er... Celine, I think...!
I cry: A lot!
I blame: I never knew I had to blame someone!! Umm, I don't blame anyone...?
I fear: Monsters And Celine!!
I sex: ....Whaaaaaaaaat?!?! NO!!
I see: what I want to see.
I hear: what I want to hear.
I hold: my father's legacy!
I obsess: over Sexypants
I can: kick your ass!
I can't: ... NOT kick your ass!
I eat: stuff.
I feel: other stuff.
I love: some more stuff!
I hate: your mother.
I strive: to make my father proud of me!
I sense: that I am better than you!
I believe: I can fly~♫ I believe I can touch the sky~♫
I hurt: those who challenge me!
I serve: no one~
I cry: when no one's looking.
I blame: myself, but tell no one.
I fear: letting others down relatively huge beetles... and moths... and other bugs! AAHHHH D: HATE BUGS HAAAAAAAAATE~~~
I sex: your mother every night at 3 am. She likes it~
And the jokes about your mother are a culture reference. Don't get so bent, Dae-kun!
I see: idiots.
I hear: ...idiots.
I hold: A bow.
I obsess: ...nothing is worth my time.
I can: hit any target.
I can't: miss.
I eat: whatever I have to.
I feel: ...bored.
I love: Nobody.
I hate: Ike.
I strive: I'm already the best. There's nothing to strive for.
I sense: stupidity.
I believe: that this is a waste of my time.
I hurt: No, I'm fine.
I serve: Greil.
I cry: never.
I blame: Ike.
I fear: nothing.
I sex: ...What the heck?
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