Permissions + HMD

Oct 24, 2010 19:30


Backtagging: Sure
Threadhopping: Unless it looks like you're interrupting anything and you have a good reason to, feel free!
Fourthwalling: Tentative yes
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm open to most things but I won't agree with racism, homophobia and such things. Sex is also a bit of a stretch.


Hugging this character: Sure. He doesn't hug a lot but he won't reject you
Kissing this character:  You can try. You'll probably get told in a kind way that he's not interested (unless he is, but that's unlikely)
Flirting with this character: Again, try it if you feel compelled. He'll most likely let you down gently.
Fighting with this character: Haha, sure. He doesn't fight much, but sometimes it can't be avoided
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Light injuries like bruising and scratching and stuff is okay, if you'd for whatever reason feel the need to really injure him then please talk to me about it first c:
Killing this character: Please don't. :c
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Arceus ate your powers! Sorry, man.

Warnings: Hmm. I don't really feel the need to warn you about anything. He's a very agreeable, open-minded character so you can probably get along. :D unless you're a person who's evil (or the like) without reason, in which case he'll lineface at you very hard.

How's my driving?

How am I doing with Coop? Is something off or inconsistent? Too solemn, too happy? I'd love any constructive crit you can give me as I have never played a character like this before and Lynch characters are very particular.

Anon is ON,
IP is OFF,
and screening is ON.

crit post, permissions, hmd

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