
Jul 11, 2011 09:45

Last night:

It started off as practically an orgy with some people I didn't know. It wasn't much fun though, because it was three guys, and one of the girls had something really wrong with her. Her legs were emaciated sticks with big, knobbly joints. I hung out with these people, a bunch of gothy misfits, for the better part of a day. They seemed okay. But around 11pm, I decided it was time to go home.

I'm not sure why, but I decided I should go get my bike first before telling them I was leaving. To make it more... inevitable that I was going, I guess. On my way back, instead of running into four people, I ran into about a dozen, all of whom were angry over the fact that I was ditching them. I convinced them I was just coming back to see them before leaving and was even listening to some of the music they made (goth metal, more or less).

That convinced them somewhat, but then their creepy leader informed me that I couldn't leave until I "intoned a prayer" for them. They took me into their studio and presumably wanted something for one of their albums. I told them I'd be happy to do something like that, provided they gave me the time to write it and rehearse it a little first, but I was told in no uncertain terms that I had to do it right now. A tense, low-key argument ensued between me and their creepy leader, with me saying I wouldn't be intimidated into doing what they wanted and him informing me that... someone was very influential.

The argument happened as we walked and soon I was outside with my bike again. He didn't seem to be stopping me bodily yet, so I was pretty sure I could suddenly jump on my bike and pedal away before anyone could stop me. That's about when I woke up. For a while, I laid there half awake, thinking of ways I could deal with the situation. Letting people know to investigate this group/cult/whatever if I disappeared. That sort of thing.

The other dreams I've had lately haven't been so detailed, but they have been vivid.

Going to a terrible movie theater to watch a terrible movie. The theater was huge and had something like four screens (all showing the same thing simultaneously), but they all had terrible picture quality. The movie was some kind of weird, Star Wars parody in which the space ships had been replaced with other items or something. Puppets, in many cases.

Driving around in this giant white van with my mom. Stopping for gas early in the morning, me trying to sleep in the passenger's seat. We kept driving to places with old furniture and such stacked up. Some of it was garbage, even though it was just worn, and some of it was being sold cheaply to people like us. We even drove through junkyards of the stuff at times. At one point, I was trying to decide if I wanted an entire matching living room set that we found.

Hanging around a very old house with a bunch of people who were mobsters. I think I was too, but I'm less sure of that. Notable because it was very much like an old couple's home, and not a particularly well-off couple: creaky floors, loose carpets and rugs, lamps with little tassels and crystals, filmy, lacey drapes. People would hang out in different rooms and there was an undercurrent of intrigue with who was in what room.

That bled into something I'm not really sure I understand. The house turned into a stadium of sorts, filled with people just lying around. I think they were watching something on a stage, but I'm not really sure. All I remember about that is running around with a childhood friend and getting, well, very cozy with him.


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