Oct 05, 2005 13:45
I feel dumb because I had no idea that we had a half day on Thursday.
Then I went to school this morning and found out that we also have a half day today.
I had no clue.
I'm not complaining though.
Church is tonight and I have no work so I'm going.
Raquel is cool.
Sep 18, 2005 22:58
My life cannot be any better.
God is amazing. He provides for me in so many ways.
I have a wonderful girlfriend, amazing family, and nothing to complain about, other than small things that don't matter.
Talking about things make life easier. Talk about problems you have and they will dissappear.
Sep 08, 2005 06:45
Today is picture day.
Hooray for pictures!
Aug 30, 2005 22:00
Oh my Goodness! I am so tired of seeing the same post on the top of my screen everytime I look at LiveJournal.
This Post is to get rid of the post on top and replace it with this masterpiece.
Aug 25, 2005 21:05
So I am basically the biggest jerk on the freakin' earth.
Please forgive me.
Aug 23, 2005 22:01
Hah. You people make me laugh. All of you thought my last post was serious and tried to explain it to me for real. Well, actually it was just Justin because Raquel was joking, obviously, and Caitlin just said it was "gross." Hehe.
Aug 23, 2005 17:40
So i am basically just sitting here pondering why my nose is stuffy. Do all the little germs multiply and then all form up in my nose into a giant wall to make me mad? Or is it just because my body trying to fend off the germs. I'd like to think it is option number two, but option number one seems more realistic.