Squarewarts; Application

Jul 05, 2010 15:02

Player Information

Name: Tiger
LJ Account: tigerzahn
Email: universetiger@yahoo.com
Messenger: Aim @ tigerzdki
Current characters, if any: Mulan Fa @ notabride

Would you like to be paired with a member of our welcoming committee? Thank you, but no. She would eat them and their quaffles alive. Even though she's a ghost. Trufax!

In-Game Character Information
Name: The Black Lady, alias "Usagiko firebolt Kuromūn"
Series: Sailor Moon (R)
Age at death: 18
Length of time as a ghost: 100 years

The Black Lady is a collection of emotions and mannerisms, most of them befitting that of a proper lady, all of them dark and laced with hatred.

She is a pureblood witch and was raised by her infamously dark pureblood family to believe herself above the rest and deal with those not like her accordingly (read; painfully, horribly, ect.). She automatically snubs anyone who isn't a pureblood wizard or witch and then does so for those who she finds out aren't dark.

For those she likes, and don't bother pitying them as they will be exactly like her or at least share the same ideals, she treats them only marginally better. She trolls them because she likes them - not hates, flirts shamelessly with the men, cattily teases the women and is, to put it simply, still an all around bitch.

The Black Lady dislikes childish things with a passion, for the bitter reason that she didn't get to have a childhood with her family due to their deaths. She takes a lot of satisfaction in degrading and insulting someone who is or is acting like a child. She will find their weakness and strike until they are in tears or otherwise adequately troll'd.

Likewise, she also seems to view romantic relationships that are based on actual romance with disdain. This as well has to do with the fact that she never had a chance to experience actual love with someone and finds the whole idea quite immature.

The Black Lady, as she is called, was born into a family of dark wizards known as the Blackmoon Clan, a strong fearsome family. As a child she was taught how to hate all the right people and why, as well as how to dispense that hatred in a proper manner.

When she was of five years old, however, the dark ways of her family brought on an attack from a group of light wizards known as the Neo Warriors. At war with each other for years, the Neo Warriors were a light oriented group bent on stopping the danger and destruction of the Blackmoon Clan once and for all. Though the Blackmoon's were nefarious and highly skilled, these Neo warriors were determined and ended up nearly killing off all the members. It was through grand spellwork, and with great deal of deception, that her great grandfather, a mystic internationally known as The Wiseman, escaped with her.

Through the years The Wiseman honed The Black Lady's skill and cultivated her hatred for the day that she would properly take over as matriarch of her Clan and lead vengeance upon the Neo Warriors.

At age sixteen, and underneath the alias of Usagiko Kuromūn, The Black Lady enrolled into Hogwarts as a fifth year Slytherin in order to gather a lay of the land and make alliances for the next two years. During those years she continued to hone her dark skills and learn of the inner workings of the light in effort to completely obliterate them. Nothing else mattered but her goals.

All seemed to be going well until in her seventh year an article came out in the Daily Prophet stating how, at last, the infamous Wiseman had been captured and promptly thrown into the veil at the Ministry to never again bring fear into the innocent heart's of the world again. The report went on to say of how he didn't put up much of a fight and other such nonsense that The Black Lady refused to believe, in effort to bring hope back to the magic community.

Enraged by this travesty and insult, as well as grieving at the idea that her last family member was gone, Usagiko grabbed her wand and, with no other outlet as to who was responsible near by, went after the son of the reporter who happened to be a fellow seventh year student attending Hogwarts. She followed him out onto the Quidditch pitch where he was practicing and fired off a lethal hex. One that promptly rebound on her, instantly killing her and the last chance the Blackmoon Clan had at their revenge.

As it turned out, and was unbeknownst to The Black Lady, the son of the reporter came from an infamous family of Gryffindors who were all well known for their protective enchantments and had been given an amulet the day before the article came out. Said amulet was covered in various protection charms - the strongest they could preform and that money could buy - guaranteed to repel even the most powerful of hexes out there.

Still so full of anger, The Black Lady was unable to pass on. During her grief at what went wrong and the hand she had been dealt by the oh-so-cruel fates, she came to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, she could continue to get her revenge by haunting the families of the Neo Warriors for the rest of her days.

It was a good plan, really. Until she became bored of it, realizing that despite all of her haunting, the Neo Warriors were still living, she was not, and there was nothing she could do to change that. One hundred years have passed since the attack and The Black Lady has made her way back to Hogwarts, the last home she ever had.

If nothing else, at least she could have her revenge in making sure that the latest and greatest dark wizards were well prepared. And possibly have some fun torturing the little lions.

Blood: Full/Pure.

Preferred House: Slytherin
Why you think they belong in this house? Canon wise; she'd eat the Puffs, hates the Gryffs to the point of torture and trap the Claws. Technically, she's evil, as are a good chunk of the Snakes. They are probably the only ones who could give her a good run for her money in her ways.

Roleplay Samples

Journal Sample:(first person)
[The delicate flutter of paper softly sounds. It is soon followed by a wistful sigh.]

Ohh, if only I had an actual body again!

[Two elegant "D"s appear on the paper inside of a heart.]

Hmph, all these little children, acting so childish -- even in my own house! Oh, it's just dreadful! If only they could be like certain individuals...

[A tsk.]

And our point status? Ugh! Thankfully, some wizards still have a decent head on their shoulders. Unfortunately, they' are just all too few and far between...

Roleplay Sample: (third person)

The Black Lady quietly sauntered through out the empty halls -- as much as a ghost could saunter, anyways --, her red sash draping elegantly off of her arms. She passed by window after window with only the pale moonlight as her guide, all the torches had been extinguished hours ago.

It was during nights like this, quiet and star speckled, that she could allow herself to remember.

A child's exhuberent laughter.

A woman's dainty amusement.

A man's dignified chuckle.

Her family.

A loud, anguish filled scream, followed by several pleas for mercy.

And their victims.

*application, !game; squarewarts

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