May 10, 2004 12:14

1. What you want the title of your journal to read: Nikki
2. Background Color: #003001

3. Link Colors: #F3319E

4. Font Colors: Ff475BA
5. Font Type (i.e. arial, tahoma, etc): comic sans
6. Post Comment text (in other words-what you want it to say for the link that one would click on to post a comment):
7. Comment Posted text (in other words-what you want it to say for the link that one would click on to read comments posted):
8. Scroll bar Colors:  #F3319E and #003001
9. What type of border would you like for the entries (solid..dotted..none..etc) and what colors: dotted and #F33193

10. Background Image (must be already made and must be the URL to that image not the image itself): none
11. Header Image (must be already made and must be the URL to that image not the image itself): none
12. Image to go in between "Comment Links" (must be already made and must be the URL to that image not the image itself): none
13. E Mail Address:
14. Other:

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