Abyss (R) (Smash) Part 18

Feb 05, 2013 03:37

Title: Abyss
Author: blackpoetcat
Rating: R
Character: Derek Wills
Disclaimer: NBC owns all, just playing drama with
Summary: Everyone knows he doesn't give a shit about anything but the show. So when Derek's life capsizes, will anyone give a shit about him?

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Read more... )

abyss (smash), derek wills

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blackpoetcat_2 February 9 2013, 14:21:30 UTC
Thank you, dear :)

Of course I hoped to surprise my readers, so I'm happy it worked. As for your guess - I'm certain you have no clue, suggesting the prosecutor just because you dislike him, and I have to confess I'm deeply satisfied that I managed to confuse you.

*giggles + hugs you*


auroraloo February 5 2013, 04:31:59 UTC
I didn't see that coming either.
I agree with Amerally GREAT TWIST!!!

Now I'm thinking maybe Dev is the guilty one?
That he's trying to put the blame on Derek
to get even?


blackpoetcat_2 February 9 2013, 14:24:43 UTC
Thank you, too, dear :)

Not that I disagree with you about Dev in general; but why should he be in Boston after being rejected by Karen and on top of that, spy after Derek days after that? No reason for that ;)

*hugs you too*


porridgebird February 5 2013, 20:11:29 UTC
Hee hee!!! You already know how much I enjoy this story (and admire you as a writer!) but I'm having sooooo much fun with these cliffhangers! \o/

Thanks for writing this and thanks for the expedition into the deepest darkest jungle of Derek's mind. ♥


blackpoetcat_2 February 9 2013, 14:26:18 UTC
It's me who have to express my deepest thanks to you for beta-ing and helping with all those typical court matters, dear.

*hugs my favourite bird and purrrrrrrrrs*


evilfairy089 February 5 2013, 23:31:52 UTC
Well, I certainly didn't expect THAT! Chapeau, Kitty :)

And another of those mean cliffhangers...can't wait to meet the guilty party!


blackpoetcat_2 February 9 2013, 14:33:23 UTC
And again - thanks for the compliment. (Though I'd prefer Blacky, because one of my dearest friends' nickname is Kitty).

Well, it's about ten years now I started my career as 'known for mean cliffhangers' in the world of ff's on a German TV show back then ;)

And now everyone is welcome to meet the 'guilty party' - and I'm curious if anyone would have guessed right :D


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