that's all folks

Jul 28, 2008 09:15

So on the dreary walk to work today I couldn't stop smiling. The sky may be dismal, but that doesn't mean the goings ons have to be. On the one hand Steve and mine whole future is up in the air right now and it's one of the scariest times in my life. We can't even make any important decisions because one outcome depends on another outcome and ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

rageofthenorth July 28 2008, 14:06:15 UTC
:D Thats an awesome post dear. :D I agree though the whole up in the air stuff is scary but you're right the good out weighs the bad right at the moment. Hope the day is going well.


blackprowess July 28 2008, 19:12:23 UTC
it's not too bad, I got some cool stuff done that I like, but I'm starving right now and my stomach is cramping so that's not helping much


homie_c July 28 2008, 14:15:38 UTC
Get back to work you slackers!!!



blackprowess July 28 2008, 19:13:27 UTC
shaddupa yo face, I wrote that post before my shift even started! Though I did write this one during my work day, sometimes you just have to take a break and connect with friends :)


homie_c July 28 2008, 23:31:49 UTC
omg I hate you Im not your friend!!!



blackprowess July 29 2008, 12:28:58 UTC
ahh I hate you all! (sob)


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