Current date - 2009.
Arrival time - October 28th, 2009
Multi-dimensional world from different times, worlds, and people. Also species. I can't see out further than that, but I might be trying too early on. Rather a large inconvenience, that air raid still has left me with very vague memories. On that note, however, there has to be a way to see outside this world. But from the basic guide that was presented to me and the way this world seems, that might be difficult. And unlikely. I'll try once more once I'm more well-rested.
So that was a curse. Not really my idea of a welcoming, but... no sense in fretting over it. Tomorrow is Hallow's Eve, so the worst might be over. Haven't a few people already said that this was a terrible month?
Shader, Chrono... how are you both fairing?