Val is busy being hypnotised by pretty girls. Or falling asleep. Not sure which.
'What will your obituary say?' at ...The Muppets know who I am? Or are the Muppets code for all my short acquaintances?
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh should paint your portrait. You are a passionate and obsessive person. You are prone to doing things spontaneously, without thinking a lot about them. You look at the world in a different way then most people - and you are able to see the best and the worst at once.
Take this quiz at Benjamin's Rejected Horoscope:
You will lie about your age to buy a child's ticket at the movies
'What is your rejected horoscope?' at Benjamin is going to be reincarnated as...
A snooty french waiter
'What will you be reincarnated as?' at I'LL DIE FIRST!
You'll become a millionaire on:Tuesday January 9th, 2050
What's the first thing that you'll buy?A slice of watermelon
Take this quiz at 'What priceless piece of art will you graffito-tag?' at In what alternate dimension would Benjamin be most comfortable?
In a dimension where...
Everyone stands on their heads all the time
'In what alternate dimension would you be most comfortable?'at ...BULLSHIT.
Talking about your ex
Your first date faux pas is talking about your ex. You may have just gotten out of a relationship and maybe you are not ready to start dating again. Your date does not want to hear about all the crappy things your last boyfriend or girlfriend did. Save that for your roommate.
Take this quiz at Benjamin's creature-nemesis:
The Dreaded VULTURE
'What creature will become your nemesis?' at You have a 73% chance of surviving a T-Rex Attack
You have an above average chance of surviving a T-Rex attack. You are able to recognize what the real dangers are as opposed to the imaginary ones. Go team!
Take this quiz at Quiz Galaxy Predicts that Benjamin's Last Words Will Be...
"At least I can haunt you"
'What will your last words be?' at You are 38% Conspiracy Nut
You are a little bit of a conspiracy nut. You know about the big conspiracies - but it doesn't take up too much of your time. You have accepted that people lie, and get away with everything - so you don't dwell on the loch ness monster too often.
Take this quiz at You will take over Rwanda using only an elephant that you\'ve trained to eat humans
Take this quiz at Take this quiz at You will go to jail for:You know too much about the assassination of JFK
Take this quiz at Take this quiz at What does your future hold?
You will inadvertently uncover the governments largest conspiracy � involving hard-shell tacos
Take this quiz at Benjamin's Reason for Travelling Back in Time:
To visit your ancestors in the 6th century
Take this quiz at Benjamin's best excuse:
"QuizGalaxy is addictive"
Take this quiz at Take this quiz at Benjamin's secret lucky charm is:
"Ruby studded underwear"
Take this quiz at