Your name/Pseudonym: Claire
Your personal LJ:
diabolicalfiend Your email:
Your chat handles: Si Barone Ow (AIM)
Character's name: Vislor Turlough
Character's canon: Doctor Who
What type of canon is your character from? (eg, book, movie, tv show, etc): TV version
Character's LJ:
blacks_lackey Brief history of your character (100-200 words): The son of resistance leader, Turlough found himself exiled to the primitive (1980s) planet of Earth under the watchful eye of the 'family lawyer'. He was forced to enter a public boys school and have retired Brigadier Gordan Lethbridge-Stewart as a mathematics teacher. They didn't get on.
Then one day, when Ibbotson admires the Brigadier's car, Turlough decides to take them both on a joy ride, only for them to crash. Turlough was knocked out and visited by the spirit of the Black Guardian.
The Guardian had a deal for him, he’d get him home, but for a price. Kill the Doctor.
Turlough, desperate to get home, agreed, but found it more difficult than he thought. Partly because finding opportunities was difficult and when he did find those, it was almost like a karmic shield surrounded the Doctor, as Turlough had to endure several near misses, even while being nagged and threatened by the Black Guardian and finally feeling a begrudging respect for the Timelord.
Brief synopsis of your character's personality (100-300 words):
In one word: selfish. He plots to kill the Doctor, but it’s not personal against him, it’s so he can get home. The deal with the Guardian was supposed to be the easy way out, even if it doesn’t turn out that way. He, when bored, convinces his friend/whipping-boy to go joy riding in the Brigadier’s car and then lies to avoid responsibility to both Ibbotson and the Headmaster’s wrath.
He is capable of charm, using it to disarm the Doctor, but not so much Tegan, with whom he has to work hard to gain her trust, even if it’s not wholly gained.
Turlough tends to be fairly resentful of being asked do things, especially anything involving risking his person. He can be courageous despite himself and if the situation really calls for it.
He’s not sensitive. Not even remotely. You’d have to hit over the head with what you’re feeling if he’s even going to get the hint. It’s not a sociopath thing, it’s a narcissist thing. He just doesn’t look outwardly. Don’t take it personally.
He’s clever, despite what you might hear from the Black Guardian, and his ‘look out for himself’ attitude probably had more to do with his parents’ revolutionary past. His mother was killed, and his father and brother were separated from him. Ideals got people killed.
The Doctor’s work doesn’t exactly change his mind, but Turlough’s slowly coming around.
What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character?: Just after Terminus, the Black Guardian is starting to use negative reinforcement to emphasise what'll happen if he doesn't kill the Doctor.
Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?: Alive.
What skills does your character have?: He's very computer literate, though he can't quite manage the TARDIS, decent liar, getting rather more good at screaming than he'd like. Not that great a driver, at least of vintage cars belonging to the Brigadier. Climbing out of windows using the classic sheets bit (personally, I think that's a skill). Not killing the Doctor. Reasonable chess player. Good swimmer. Getting tied up. (Well, ok, that one is pushing it but I had to put it somewhere!)
When your character is shown to his/her room, he/she will find ten personal items belonging to them, which the Hotel has supplied. These things can ONLY be things they would typically have in canon. This will be known as his/her initial personal inventory. Please list what these things would be: bathroom tap crystal as part of the deal with the Black Guardian. Um, he doesn't actually have anything in the canon, he just, you know, walks onto the TARDIS with nothing but the clothes on his back and his crystal. And he doesn't even change his clothes... so, I don't know. Battered piece of the Brig's car? If you insist, I'll make stuff up, but you see the predicament there.
Please create a voicemail post for your character and provide a link to it in this application. This will be used for any character who wishes to get in contact with your character.
This is a link to an example website Write your character's entrance post (minimum 200 words. You will use this to post your character's entrance into the game.):
The pain was so strong that Turlough couldn’t understand what the Black Guardian was saying, all he heard was the high pitched whine of that damned crystal and the Black Guardian’s deep bass and threatening tone. Not to mention his own screams.
It didn’t matter, he knew full well what he was saying, having brought it on himself, by first, agreeing to the arrangement in the first place and second, by defying him now. Even though, Turlough had thought, the Black Guardian would have pressed him into service, no matter of what Turlough’s answer had been except in that scenario, the slim chance that the Guardian would actually follow through on his word would have significantly decreased.
He was on the floor when the pain suddenly ceased. He gasped with relief, his hand still throbbing. He lay there when he realised he was shivering and the ground he was on wasn’t the smooth floor of the TARDIS. “Snow,” he said, shocked and confused.
He moved up as far as his knees and looked around. Was this how the Black Guardian was going to renege on the deal? Exile him here? Wherever here was. Earth?
It be hilarious if it was Trion, though Turlough somehow doubted that. He pushed himself up the rest of the way to his feet and headed towards the only building he could see.
He entered the ‘Hotel California’. “Earth,” he muttered to himself. “Back to square one. Great, just great.”
He moved up to the desk, where the manager was waiting. “Uh… hi. Um… there a way to contact London?” he asked with a smile. He’d claim that Doctor had kidnapped him or something. Make nice with custodian until he could find another way off this rock.
“That won’t be necessary, sir,” the manager said, pushing the sign-in book. “Please sign here.”
Turlough looked down at the book to find: ‘Junior Ensign Commander Vislor Turlough. VTEC9/12/44’. Turlough let out a groan. Obviously, even though Turlough didn’t quite know how, his people were behind this. He was a prisoner. He signed.
“Right, thanks.” Damnit. He looked around.
“Welcome to Hotel California. Your room is upstairs. Please enjoy your stay.” Turlough looked back, but the manager was vanished.
"Square zero," he told himself, feeling that this was going to be worse.