Title: If I had it My Way I'd Slit Your Throat with the Knife You Left in My Back(12/?)
blackstar147Rating: R
Pairing: Tom Sykes/ Ian Watkins + Sykecest
POV: 3rd
Summary:“Supernanny...that woman is scary as fuck...”
Warnings: Non con. sex, kidnap (I suppose), lots of violence and umm... under age sex.
Disclaimer: NO, just no *shakes head* I do not own any of these boys, the only thing I own is the storyline =] googled yourself? Yeah well it's your own fault then isn't it... Title belongs to Bring Me The Horizon
Dedicatins: Faithful readers who still give a crap? Haha i wish!!
Author Notes: I fail at life, so I'm not going to make any promises with this but i found this today and thought why not post it! I do love you all though! <3 Oh btw Supernanny is an English show about a scary woman who sorts out vile kids, a bit like Nanny911 without the appalling cheese factor... Seriously i don't know ANY English person like that!
Awkward was just one word that Oli could think of to describe the situation. Uncomfortable, embarrassing, fucked up and life changing were the others. He hadn’t seen Tom all day since the... well the... meeting, and having to sit watching TV with his parents with Tom in the same room was even worse.
Ever since the... incident, you know the one, Oli’s parents had insisted on more ‘family time’, although Oli didn’t know how that translated to let’s just force our children to sit in the same room as us and watch boring shit. He was sure that Supernanny or someone would spank his parents if she found out, that woman is scary as fuck... and yes, his parents were making him watch Supernanny, maybe to show him how he should behave?
The three year old stuck up bitch of a child on the TV screamed, again, for the hundredth time, and the programme had only been on for ten minutes.
Oli could see Tom shuffling nervously in his seat next to their mum, Oli was stuck on the sofa with his dad, who took up far too much room for someone so skinny, those elbows...
The tension between Oli and Tom was killing him, literally. He just wanted to make it right so much, to talk to Tom on his own, to either laugh it off if Tom wanted to or forgot it ever happened or even.... no, he couldn’t even think it.
And yet here he was mere feet away from Tom and yet so far. Fucking parents.
Tom kept glancing at his phone, sneaking looks whenever their mum was too transfixed, cooing over the little baby or tutting about the rudeness of the older child on the TV.
Thirty seven looks at his phone. Not that Oli had counted.
It was all he could do to not go over there to Tom and break the tension by...
He didn’t know how. He knew how he would like to have done it, after all he could still taste Tom on his lips, still feel his closeness, his gentle breathing on his skin, the way those lips felt...
Oli bit his lip, he had to stop thinking about it, it was tearing him apart from the inside out, plus it was making him excited. Great a hard on whilst watching little kids, that’ll go down well with his parents. He liked to think they wouldn’t think he’d EVER be that sick but...
His parents didn’t think much of him.
The remaining fifty minutes of the programme was hell.
And then finally, finally it ended. Oli practically jumped out of his seat as the credits hit the screen, and then realised he was stood up but didn’t want to leave the room, not leave Tom, and yes he was that sad.
He tried, and failed to turn his action into a stretch, until his father poked him in the side and laughed at him, taking the piss that Oli wanted to leave so quickly. Typical Oli though as far as his parents knew.
Eventually, with another glance at his phone, Tom stood too.
As Tom left the room, without even a glance at Oli, which cut him more than he’d ever admit, Oli tried to nonchalantly follow. Of course he failed, he wasn’t good at being subtle, he was too used to the complete unsubtleness of the great whore Oli. Bad habits and all that.
“Tom,” Oli called after his younger brother, who had his foot on the first stair. Tom stopped and turned slowly as Oli approached him, and Oli swore he saw the beginning of a flush appear on Tom’s cheek. It looked nice on him, not that Oli thought that at all.
“Look, Oli...” Tom started, stepping down from the stairs, returning to his normal height, just in line with Oli’s shoulder, and Oli bet he would fit perfectly into the little crook of... he stopped himself.
Tom sucked air in through his teeth.
“AboutearlieritwasallmyfaultIshoudn’thavedoneit,” Tom blabbed, all as one word. He quickly continued. “You want that new album I bought the other day?” Tom blinked innocently, and Oli’s heart didn’t melt, not at all, well...
And for some reason, even though Oli wanted nothing more than to tell Tom exactly how he felt, to tell Tom it was ok about the kiss and to describe all the wonderful things that it did to him, still did to him even now... he didn’t. Instead he laughed. It was too much to put into words and Tom was so fucking cute, did he ever mention that before?
Tom grinned back, suddenly the awkwardness and the tension between them falling, disappearing. They stood grinning at each other stupidly for what felt like forever, but in reality was only a few seconds.
“Geek,” Oli smiled as he spoke, his grin only slightly less goofy.
“Whore,” Tom shot back.
Normality was restored. Only it wasn’t. Really tranquillity was restored.
Until the doorbell went.
Oli, who was stood in front of Tom, thus closer to the door went to open it. The change in Tom was instant, he shot forward, no longer smiling and dove at the door, almost making Oli fall over. The contact of Tom’s shoulder on Oli’s making his whole arm tingle pleasantly.
And then Tom opened the door.
And who ever was on the other side walked, no scratch that, sauntered in, a massive smile on their face.
“Oli,” the visitor purred. “My little bitch...”
Oli growled, deep in his throat at the words, stopping the person, and was pleased to see a look of slight fear on the other’s face. Oli could be a fucking scary cunt if he wanted to be, and right now, in daylight, in his own house, faced with such audacity, he really did want to be.