Well Friday was down with Migraine. Migraine's suck.
On other news, downloaded a new add on for WoW, and while I'll admit it took me a bit to get used to, I love it now. It makes me sooooooo much more efficient as a healer. Its all there is nice big health bars, letting me knwo how much damage taken, and when I star my heals, gives em a shadow bar as to where their health bar would be when the heal goes off, so I know if I need to stay spamming, or switch to my big heals. It kept us alive in several hairy pulls during the weekend, including a marathon of Shattered Halls run where I made up a new crowd control position, healer tank. It’s where I stand there, take a beating while healing myself and others, till they can finally pull it off me and deal with it. However, there was good news in that I got the last two items I needed in SH, and revered, so I am done with the place. None of the HH exalted items tickle my fancy so no more SH runs.
Did Mech 3 times this weekend, and was complimented on my healing all three times, really impressing the last group where there were a few ugly pulls and I kept everyone alive. Finally there was Kara, where I had to contend with something I never had to contend with before, being high on the aggro chart. Three attempts on Monroes, and three times I was his first target when he goes to gouge. Only once did my DS go off before he killed me, and killing me was a big deal as despite tasting pavement for a portion of the Huntsman fight because everyone was out of range and causing him to charge, and he then aggroed onto me as a result, and for the three attempts at Monroes were two of the attempts I was the first healer dead, I still accounted for 39% of the group's healing. So when I, there goes 2/5's of our healing ability. So I need to mitigate that somehow as unlike instances, things in Kara can two shot me easy, like Monroes. Still I was happy that my healing was near 40%, and next person on the list was only 18%. Means I am a bad ass healer, after folks accused me so long ago of only being a Ret Noob.
Nothing much else here. More updates later.