I was bored...

Jan 18, 2006 18:49

Name: Virginia Audrey
Do you like it?: I like the fact that its not common, but i think Audrey Virginia would be prettier
Nicknames: Jenny, Jenbob
Screen names: BlackTangldHrt and another secret one that im not gonna tell you... MUAHAHAHA
Birthday: April fools day, for real, no joke
Sign: Aries
Location: radford va
School: radford university
Status: um? single i guess
Natural hair color: med. brown
Current hair color: dark brown
Eye color: blue
Height: 5'3.5" if im barefoot, yea yea i know im a mini person
Birthplace: Houston, Texas. that saying "everythings bigger in texas" seems to attribute to certain *achem* parts of me
Shoe size: 7
Bra size: haha ^ BIG --- 38 D if you MUST know

[ favorites ]

Number: under 10? def. 7..... over 10? hm, lets think, ima go wiiiiith 3,682... that sounds good
Color: hm, i like black, red, purple and blue....
Day: saturday?
Month: June
Song: i dont have one, probably...... ill have to get back to you on that one
Movie: the gooneys, amelie, god i dont know, i have a lot of favs
Food: i really love green olives, pizza and chocolate
Band: silverchair
Season: summer
Sport: to play? tennis. to watch hot boys play? lacrosse, soccer swimming, oh who am i kidding... any sport where hot boys are sweating with their shirts off..pfft
Class: right now? evolutionary psych
teacher: Dr. Barnard
Drink: coffee
Veggie: fresh raw broccoli and carrots
TV Show: im a complete sucker for ANY before and after show...
Radio Station: it WAS 101.5 but now its a stupid oldies station, boohoo, so so sad
Store: wet seal
Word: wicked, even though i never use it
Animal: cheetah or dog or golden lion tamarins or ferrets... oh so cute
Flower: the orchid
State: since ive never really been anywhere im gonna say va... i liked florida before global warming

[ this or that ]

Me/You: you
Coke/pepsi: coke, preferrably cherry coke
Day/night: night in summer
Aol/aim: aim
Cd/cassette: cd
Dvd/vhs: dvd
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: car
Tall/short: taller than me (which doesnt say much)
Lunch/dinner: dinner
Britney/Christina: christina has a better voice
Gap/Old Navy: i dont shop at either really, old navy is cheaper, but that, in turn, makes it very unoriginal...and i hate walking into a room where a girl is wearing the same tank top as i am and of course looks better in it than me BLEH
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss thats not TOO glossy, i mean, i dont like blinding people from a mile away
Silver/Gold: silver

[ love and relationships ]

Do you have a bf/gf?: not anymore, hmph, stupid decisions
Do you have a crush?: maybe
How long have you liked him/her?: a while
Why do you like this person?: always accepted me for who i was and is super hot
How long was your longest relationship?: 3 years, go us
How long was your shortest relationship?: i havent been in another one
Who was your first love?: Tim
What do you miss about them?: kissing for hours

[ the past ]

What is the one thing you would change about your past?: not being as strong as i should have been
Last thing you heard: the sound of someone annoying IMing me
Last thing you said: "nope"
Who is the last person you saw?: Brittany
Who is the last person you kissed?: Tim
Who is the last person you hugged?: Tim
Who is the last person you fought with?: hm.... myself?
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: ha, Tim again
What is the last TV show you saw?: Divine Design
What is the last song you heard?: Bjork, Amry of Me

[ the present ]

What are you wearing?: white stretchy tank top with huge baggy pj pants and "grandma" socks.
What are you doing?: multitasking
Who are you talking to?: Alex and Tim
What song are you listening to?: um, nothing
Where are you?: in my living room
Are you online?: yes
How are you feeling?: irritated with stupid people and dread from constant thoughts of all the schoolwork i still have to do
Are you in a chatroom?: haha i havent entered a chat room since i learned how to use the internet... that was like, 6th grade?

[ future ]

What day is it tomorrow?: Thursday
What are you going to do after this?: read psych and formulate questions from it, then sleep
Who are you going to talk to?: um.... probably my fish
How old will you be when you graduate?: 22! Yuck im getting old
What do you wanna be?: interior designer
What is one of your dreams?: dreams as in hopeful future events or dreams as in the unconsious world... need to be more specific here
Where will you be in 25 years?: omg i dont know, alive and happy i hope

[ other ]

Do you write in cursive or print?: print, but i do like my cursive ::writing L's is fun, dont ask why::
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty all the way
What is your sexual preference?: hot male, ha
What piercings do you have?: belly button :( goodbye eyebrow ring
Any tattoos?: no but a friend gave me a really good idea that if i had enough ballz then id get it done
Do you drive?: too much, im killing the planet one mile at a time
Do you have glasses or braces?: neither, i wear contacts though
Did you like this survey?: its kinda boring, i should be doing homework, but i wanted to post since ihavent in forever, so here you go all you loyal Jenny readers hehe
What do you most like about your body?: my legs
How many fillings do you have?: hah, ummm 5? yea i didnt even have a single cavity until i got old enough to realize how good of a stress reliever chocolate can be
Do you look like any celebrities?: ive heard Amy Lee from Evanescence and Jennifer Connely

[ fashion ]

Do you wear a watch?: not right now, the battery died
How many coats and jackets do you own?: 6?
Favorite pants/skirt color?: i love my black pants and i love my red corderouy minikirt
most expensive item of clothing?: hmmm i have a 100 dollar purse, does that count? and i regret buying it btw, cause i NEVER use it.... i was tired of constantly saving money, i guess i kinda went ape shit over it.
Most treasured?: my rings
What kind of shoes do you wear?: boots, heels and sandals, thats pretty much it.

is it over? well damn, that was a tid bit abrupt. oh well. um, hi people, gonna go now so um, bye
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