I think faith finds the person - you're meant to be on a spiritual journey, because you're one of the few people willing to contemplate the course. A lot of the time, those of us in the directed faiths just don't want to go looking for the truth. That's not to say I don't believe my religion (well, there are bits I question, but only because the Bible is a human interpretation of the divine, and therefore flawed) - but I don't want to go looking for the absolute truth behind it either - I don't think I'm up to it as a person. Bravo you for being brave enough to search. :)
I doubt absolute truth is something any one person can come to understand. I think if you could understand with full clarity the emotions and experiences of every living sentient...then you might get close, but the universal truth is by its very nature, a collective all encompasing thing, which means we each hold a part, but never the whole.
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Amazonatheart1 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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