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Mar 23, 2005 21:09

Name: Tabitha
Age: 20

1. Describe yourself:
Well, I'm stubborn, that's for sure. I'll be completely honest with you, stubborn is probably my worst character trait. But I think, at the same time, that my passion and my love of life really makes up for it. I'm a book and internet addict, and I love to learn. I'm a psychology major with a philosophy minor, so my days are spent analyzing people, what they do, and how they think all in an attempt to find out why. I also tend to be picky, and honest to a fault.
2. What are some of your pet peeves?
Stupid people is definately my topmost pet peeve. I absolutely hate ignorance, especially willful ignorance about other people. I hate liars with a passion, and would love to slaughter some of the people in my life who have done nothing but hurt me and others. I also hate it when people pick on the innocent or the injured, people who can't help themselves and who can't change the way that they are (little children, the mentally challenged, etc). Hatred is another one of my pet peeves; I get annoyed by those who feel that hatred of race, gender, religion, or sexual prefrence is a valid choice in life.
3. What is your take on religion?
Personally, I feel that religion is a misguided attempt at filling the spiritual hole that everyone has. I was raised a Baptist, and I rejected it by the time I was 15. I started looking for a religion that didn't make me feel like a loser, or like an outcast. I wanted somewhere, some thing, some... frame of mind... that I could fit in by being myself, not by being exactly the same as everyone else. I looked toward Paganism, and even Kemetic Orthodoxy, and right now I don't have a specific religion, but I am very spiritual. I'm also a witch... a fact that never stops making my parents feel I'm going to hell. Ah well. I think, basically, that religion is a good idea that went a little too far.
4. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle)
I'd say that I'd be a Muggle Born Witch. I absolutely love magic, and people tell me that I have a talent for it in real life, but my parents? Nah, they don't accept it, and never have. But even more so, I have never really felt like I fit in with my family. Right now I'm living with them until I can save up enough money to move in with my fiance, but I can't talk with them at all. I can't tell them anything, because they don't listen and they don't even seem like they want to understand. Unlike Hermione's parents, who seem to try their best to understand her situation, my parents just condemn and blame me. *shrugs* It's something I've learned to cope with.
5. Which house do you not fit in at all?
You know, I don't know precisely. I mean, I don't think I'm ruthless enough to be a Slytherin, nor do I really think I'm courageous enough to be a Gryffindor. But then again, you know, maybe it's one of those things where I can't see the forest for the trees.
6. How do you feel about inter-house relations?
I feel that just like the real world, inter-house relations need to be positive in order to ensure the quality of life within the school. Certainly, there are always going to be people who don't like each other, people who don't get along. But what's important to realize is that we're all stuck together so we might as well try to tolerate one another. It's crucial because in a society separate from the real world you need to have good friends and good support systems in order to keep going on. I mean, if a personal tragedy happened, you wouldn't have your family to lean on, not really... (I mean, unless you had a huge family like the Weasley's, and everyone lived at school pretty much) so you have to learn to rely on those around you. And what if you don't completely get along with everyone in your house? You need to be able to find people you can get along with, regardless of what house you're sorted into. Unity is important as well, especially in a time of trials and tribulations... But I think I'm rambling a bit... *grins*
7. If you recieved a Howler from your parents, what would it be for?
Hmmm. Probably for forgetting to call home, or for using magic outside the school. Hell, it might even be for getting caught having sex in one of the boys or girls dormitories. *Grins* You can never have too much fun when you're away from your parents.
8. What would you die for?
Right now? My fiance. My values, my Gods. In the future, I know that I would die for my children. Other than that, though, there's not much that I would die for. Life is too precious a gift to squander.
9. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's?
Hmm. That depends. I've had people I trusted read my poetry, my journals, and even my Book of Shadows without my permission, so I know how badly it hurts. But I read people's online journals all the time... So I think the context matters. And I like to think that I don't have any enemies... At least not really.
10. What is your life's dream?
My life's dream? Oh, I have so many of them. I want to travel the world; I want to get my Ph.D in psychology and have my own private practice; I want to own a homeopathy store; I want to have children; I want to be happy; I want to make a difference in the world; I want to make enough money so that my fiance can make all the films his heart desires. My entire life is a dream.
11. What makes you unique? Explain.
What makes me unique? That's simple. I am me. What better way to realize your own uniqueness than to realize you are what you are? Everyone is unique, even though we all have the same types of emotions and the same types of reality we have to live in. I was verbally abused by my father for fifteen years, and I believe that that made me stronger. I'm so afraid of my own emotions some times, that I turn to poetry and the music of others to get it out. I'm an empath, which is mostly ironic. I am a dreamer, I'm a writer, I'm a singer, I'm a lover, and a fighter. I'm a conundrum, really. *chuckles*
12. What sets you apart from the crowd?
Well, my hair, for one. *chuckles* I'm only five foot one inch, but you can still see me coming when you see my shock of red hair a mile away. *grins* I don't know... I am me, like I said before. I'm all that I will ever be.
13. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most?
Hmmm... This is a great question. I'd probably say that my biggest sin is that of gluttony. I'm passionately in love with food, especially of the chocolate and dairy varities, though I'm trying to get over it. I'm also a glutton for punishment... Though maybe lust is a good one for me. I'm such a masochist, not to mention I'm a submissive. *laughs* I know, I'm so confusing, I confuse even me some times.

** Where or how did you find us? (Please be specific, students are awarded house points for each referal!) I just found it randomly through looking at different Harry Potter communities.
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