Another Survey, I am addicted...

Apr 01, 2007 19:10

((Basic Info))
Name::: Janaka
Hair Color::: black
Eye Color::: brow
Age::: 16
Birthday::: Oct. 9th
Food::: Burgers
Song::: "Scooby Snacks" by Fun Loving Criminals
Color::: Red
Number::: 37
Movie::: Clerks, Sin City, Shaun of the Dead
Magazine::: N/A
Actor::: Ed Norton
Actress::: Jennifer Aniston or Keira Knightley
Book::: "The Right Stuff" by Tom Wolfe
Greatest Fear:: Being alone.
Screen Name::: shadowhuntr000
Bedtime::: None!
Current Location::: home
Most Embarrassing Moment::: Too many.
Best Friend::: Don't have just one
Weakness::: Good food and friends.
First Thought When You Wake Up::: Fuck, school!
((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke::: Diet pepsi
Chocolate Or Vanilla::: chocolate
Day Or Night::: night
Hamburger Or Hot Dog::: hamburger
Love Or Money::: love
Looks Or Personality::: both
Summer Or Winter::: Summer, hell yeah.
Hugs Or Kisses::: Kisses
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out::: Night in.
Coffee Or Tea::: coffee
Hot Or Cold::: hot
Sunny Or Rainy::: Sunny all day, everyday.
Dogs Or Cats:::dogs, cats suck.
((Have You Ever))
Been In Love::: yes
Danced In The Rain::: yes
Been Kissed::: yes
Toilet Papered Someone's House::: no
Cheated On A Test::: yes
Been Beaten Up::: no
Bullied Someone::: yes
Smoked::: yes
Drank::: yes
Done Drugs::: yes
Had Sex::: no
Gone Bungee Jumping::: no
Gone Camping::: yes.
Stayed Up All Night::: yes
Skipped School::: Not school entirely, but classes.
Been On A Plane::: YEAH
Cheated On Someone::: Yeah.
Been Cheated On::: Yeah.
Sang In The Shower::: yeah
Smiled For No Reason::: Yes
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny::: Hey, it happens.
Had A Pillow Fight::: yes
Broken A Bone::: no
Wished Upon A Star::: yes
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves::: yes
Gone Surfing::: no
Sat On Your Rooftop::: no
Written A Song::: yes
((Finish The Sentence))
I Am::: who I am.
I Wish::: that i had more wishes. Then, so I could do better in school. Then for a lot of cigarettes and candy.
Life Is::: what you make of it, so take things in stride. Shit happens, but life goes on.
My First Kiss::: was on a field.
Babies Are::: not to be had in high school.
Sometimes I Can Be::: lazy.
I Really Want To::: travel more.
I Love::: iTunes.
This Survey Was::: time-wasting. FUCK

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