so i had possibly one of the best most freeing conversations i fell liek it was kinda bable and i probably sound stupid but i enjoyed it and i have no idea why im puttin it in here but i am so if you care to read it clikc the lj cut
sell me sanity: hey man, did you know i am going to study to be a psychologist as well?
her tight jeans: haha nope
sell me sanity: well now you do
sell me sanity: <---no seatbelts allowed
her tight jeans: yes i figured so
sell me sanity: oh and im talkin about my relationships with the opposite sex mainly
her tight jeans: of course that's the problem that plagues all youth
sell me sanity: how old are you
her tight jeans: 16
her tight jeans: you?
sell me sanity: 17
sell me sanity: and whats ur name
sell me sanity: wait it says it
her tight jeans: didnt read my profile much did you haha
sell me sanity: evandre
her tight jeans: nah its spelled yves-andre
her tight jeans: pronounced Evandre
sell me sanity: nah man i was browsing through myspace and i wanted to find people with substance so i took a look at the pics and u seemed interesting
her tight jeans: damn phone
her tight jeans: forget it
sell me sanity: you got a call?
her tight jeans: damn its some stalker-ish chick
sell me sanity: do you know her personally?
her tight jeans: yeah
her tight jeans: she keeps on callin me
sell me sanity: haha but is it that bad
sell me sanity: is she that bad
sell me sanity: hahaha
her tight jeans: nah but personality doesnt match
her tight jeans: shes pretty cute but im not really in for the pussy...anymore
her tight jeans: last relationshipp taught me a lil somethin
sell me sanity: ahh that personality thing. see i like to observe everything and its hard to find people to like cuz i always point out things i dont like about them to myself
sell me sanity: sort of like holden caulfield
sell me sanity: ever read the catcher and the rye?
sell me sanity: in*
her tight jeans: no but i really wish i had
her tight jeans: cus i hear about it a lot
sell me sanity: if you're a junior you probably will read it in class
sell me sanity: i dont read unless im forced to usually, unless its about the news
her tight jeans: yeah im goin to be a junior
sell me sanity: haha its a wild ride man
sell me sanity: it changed me
her tight jeans: really
her tight jeans: see i dont let to many things change me
her tight jeans: but i let things influence me
sell me sanity: im one of those vulnerable people i always have been
her tight jeans: cus i hate it when one person changes completly
her tight jeans: i undertsnadcompletly i used to be i still partially am
sell me sanity: do you get a lot of girls yves andre?
her tight jeans: haha
her tight jeans: no i dont
her tight jeans: i just get a couple that fall head-over heals for me
sell me sanity: haha well see i made a graph when i was bored
sell me sanity: about girls and hapiness and shit
sell me sanity: and my life
sell me sanity: do u wanna see it
her tight jeans: well actually i latly i have been gettin alot more attention from the ladies
her tight jeans: yeah sure
sell me sanity: let me find it brb
sell me sanity wants to directly connect.
sell me sanity is now directly connected.
sell me sanity:
her tight jeans: taht tells me nothin my friend haha
her tight jeans: only tells me taht 7-8th grade suckl
her tight jeans: sucked*
sell me sanity: haha what about 10th and 11th
sell me sanity: bumpy ride
her tight jeans: but 9th grade was your best year well after 12th
sell me sanity: the beginning of it
sell me sanity: but its really about life experiences. if you look at the graph all the low times were horrible events that happened
her tight jeans: well obviously
sell me sanity: ahah have you had any downtimes
her tight jeans: to tell you the truth my graphs spikes up and down everyday
her tight jeans: i was having a down time earlier today but im up righ now
her tight jeans: my graph chart would like a wallpaper design
sell me sanity: well why does it appen?
sell me sanity: happen*
her tight jeans: jot quite sure
sell me sanity: moodswings always have a main cause
sell me sanity: i know what mine is
sell me sanity: if you could like reach deep inside urself and find out the real reason you could overcome it
her tight jeans: i know the reason i guess
her tight jeans: its mainly issues with my family...probably with my father, i try to act like i dont much care about the fact taht he isnt aroun dbut then i hangout with other ppl taht have a great family
sell me sanity: sometimes its not good having both parents. such as in my case
sell me sanity: my parents fight 80 percent of the time
sell me sanity: my dad sleeps on the couch
sell me sanity: all the time
her tight jeans: like ryan i love his family his mom and dad arethe best and are always there to talk, my family is just a means for me to eat sleep and get clothed, educat emyself and leave
sell me sanity: and they say they are staying together for the kids huh
sell me sanity: sometimes i wish my family were more calm like in your situation
sell me sanity: do you have siblings
her tight jeans: yes an dolder brother
her tight jeans: we dont talk much as a mtter of fact i dont really talk to many ppl in my family me and my grams used to be chill but now im not so sure whats goin on with that
sell me sanity: well atleast you have peace. my house is an uproar unless i give into the master of the house......a thirteen year old brother named billy
her tight jeans: my house isnt peace its chais
her tight jeans: just no one talks about it
her tight jeans: and i exclude myself from alot of it which could be a problem but is usually an answer
sell me sanity: family problems are usually harder to solve because its out of your hands. its your families choice to get along and make things work
sell me sanity: ive sat down
sell me sanity: and tried to fix things
sell me sanity: but i cant
sell me sanity: people are who they are
sell me sanity: forever
her tight jeans: i wouldnt say forever...actually yeah i guess i would it is hard to change deep inside
her tight jeans: helli know ive problems are usually the root of all mentally unstable killers haha
sell me sanity: but i have to mention that my family is alright sometimes. even fun. especialy when they give me cashflow. but see unlike you my family isnt my main problem. infact my family doesnt bother me as much as my real problem
sell me sanity: i cant really say my problem is worse than yours but its one deep within my self and the way i think
sell me sanity: the reason why im speakin out right now is cuz you live across the state and it wouldnt bother me if you judged me
her tight jeans: hahah
her tight jeans: i dont really judge plp
her tight jeans: welli try not to but i do have my shallow momments
sell me sanity: yo man everyone is shallow
sell me sanity: its just harder to see sometimes
sell me sanity: ah this girl keeps askin about her boyfriend to me...does anyone ever bug you about someone else?
her tight jeans: hahah
her tight jeans: thats what i was put on earth for to help other ppl i dont really mind unless you know the answer to your problem and do nothin about it
sell me sanity: yea man well if you need to talk about something u just met a new friend