
Apr 26, 2004 15:22

so i had a pretty good day at school today. we had testing, which kinda sucks, but it was okay, cause i had the cell phone..so me and Steven were texting each other :-D.  oh man this is a funny one.. at like 11:30 last night you know that one bitch Jennie, yes?? well she called my house.. and left a fucking message, what a dumb little bitch. she ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

khole2233 April 26 2004, 15:39:25 UTC
oh so im annoying now? bitch.


blackxxeyeliner April 26 2004, 15:47:12 UTC
uhh... i said that i was wrong about you.
and that Jennie is the annoying one...


khole2233 April 26 2004, 16:25:41 UTC
"and i thought Krystal was bad! oh man, Jennies like 2433523424 times as worse"

You said I'm annoying just not as annoying as Jennie.


bo0mb0omgrl April 26 2004, 17:54:08 UTC
i'm presuming you're krystal.

why do you care if she thinks your annoying? you can't do anything about it anyways right?


anonymous April 26 2004, 16:36:30 UTC
damn u went over the fucking top of talking shit. the whole molesting thing.. was just over the top.. fuck im giving u ur shit back.. i dont want ne thing to do with you.. u hella just took it over the top


blackxxeyeliner April 26 2004, 20:37:59 UTC
yes! finaly. now, stop calling. or else i think imma call the cops. how inconsiderate. oh yeah and my moms as healthy as a fucking goat. she ain't gonna be dying soon, bitch. you took it over the top when you said shit about my mom and about my dad, shit that you knew nothing about it.
now get over it. i ain't your friend and never will be ever again.
k thanks bye.


anonymous April 27 2004, 18:42:49 UTC
lol go get a std?? lol wow ur cool!i dont know whos cooler.. u or chris..


blackxxeyeliner April 27 2004, 20:37:40 UTC
me of course! well, chick, you are the one who had unprotected sex after he had sex with some girl.. who knows what she had.. he may have not even used a condom.


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