Im really tired of losers at Wal-Mart telling me its a bad idea to get married. One guy asked me how old Shannon was, I told him she was 19, he laughed and told me to wait and watch as she changed into someone I didnt like.
Added another part of Taka Story to the diaryland site if anyone is interested. Please leave comments, slight reviews as it progresses, and so on please so I get the need to continue writing it. Ill continue anyway though, because its what I do, but you know
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We started a new game last weekend which includes the use of characters that represent the actual players themselves in the situation that they be teleported somehow to Gaia. Everyone begins the game with any skills they already have in real life, but with the minimum stat points on roll, and without the spending of experience points at all. This
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I need to figure out where Im moving too in June so I know what to expect from apartment fees when I first get one. I know it costs money to move in, but how much? Do I need the first months rent? Do I need to pay anything else as an additive? RAH
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Work, money, craptastic problems. Also, add in a mishap that has lowered my status. Its 2am, I JUST got home for lunch, some total assholes jumped on the wet wax I was entrusted to lay on the floor. My ass is grass
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Screw the Echo remake movie idea. There is no way anyone is going to do that one with me. Itll be too hard for one, and for another I need over fifty people for the intended fight scene. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN
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