Title: PD #5
Rating: PG
Paring: Roy and Ed
Theme: none
Summary: an afternoon studying.
Warnings: none
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=7696728 Ed looked up when Roy collapsed on the bench next to his outdoor work table. “Tired already, Bastard?” Ed smiled at the glare he got. Roy was going to fall asleep as soon as possible. Good. Then he will be less of a distraction. Maybe.
“What makes you say that, Fullmetal? I’m perfectly fine and am just going to catch up on my reading.” Roy lied down on the bench and opened a blue bound book and started to read.
“Just don’t bother me, Colonel. I have this damn project to finish on top of this bullshit mission you have both of us on.” Ed went back to work, every once in a while taking a sip of the coffee that he had on the table. This was a personal project not one of the militaries so he was actually having fun working on it. It was one of the few days off he and Roy had on this very long mission assigned to them by the higher ups.
It was late afternoon before he looked up again and he had gotten a lot done. Ed stretched and looked over to his commanding officer. Roy had not fallen asleep like Ed had been expecting him too. He was almost half way done with his book and he was so absorbed in the story that he would not notice an alchemic attack going off next to him.
Ed took advantage of his commanding officer’s distraction to stare a little. A small smile played across his face as he evaluated the man lying before him. Roy’s uniform jacket was undone and he wasn’t wearing his gloves. Ed placed his chin in his metal hand and sighed.
Ed let his mind wonder from the alchemy project to Roy Mustang. He daydreamed awhile before shaking his head and moving back to the project. But he kept the small smile that he was wearing as he went back to work.