In this installment of How to Avert an Apocalypse, The Gabster has a plan. Not safe for dial up!
Warning: Contains spoilers for Hammer of the Gods and season 5 in general, some swears, and a Firefly reference.
Previously: Team Free Will tried to find some way to stop the Apocalypse that did not involve Bobby wearing robes, something he flat out refused to do. Just when things looked grim, an unexpected visitor appeared who might have the answer.
Indeed, all of Team Free Will liked the plan. Especially Castiel.
And so, Gabriel's plan was enacted. The armies of Heaven and Hell met up for the ultimate battle, a battle that would determine the fate of Humanity and answer one question: Who is the Fiercest Bitch? But much to Team Free Will's dismay, the contest would quickly turn ugly, and someone who Sam had hoped never to see again had a cunning plan of his own.
Parts 3 hopefully coming soon!
Caps from
Oxoniensis, text from