Title: The (Super)Natural Release
Author: Bladed Darkness
Category: Glee
Summary: Rachel's a vampire, and when she gets turned on, her fangs come out, and because it's Quinn fault that that happens it's only fair that Quinn helps Rachel with her, uhm, little problem. Prompt at the Glee Kink Meme. Bump in the Night is by the Hex Girls, who appeared
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Comments 18
This was at once hilarious and awesome. And sexy. and hot.
And somehow I'm feeling the need to ask for more...
:) Vampire!Rachel is awesome. I suddenly feel like prompting you for one where Quinn gets off on playing with the canines... I don't even know if that's possible... Well, *shrug* offers open :D
Also, you're awesome. Did I mention you're awesome?
Heh, I certainly take mentions of awesomeness repeatedly (though I feel like I should be giving them out to the reviewers and commenters, 'cause you guys are amazing.
*hugs you*
On the plus side, I'm still planning on filling whichever one wins the poll next, after I finish Truth Can't Hide (I suspect that if I have more than one ongoing story at a time, I won't get anything done), and this one was actually in last place, soo... *shrugs*
I actually have plans to do all four of the poll options at some point, it's just to see what people want to see first. ;) No worries (and the medieval one is still ahead; I actually have it up in OpenOffice with some other stuff I'm working on).
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