Because it beats more whining about my life.

Apr 22, 2020 18:47

It/its: Noooooooooope.  Nope, nope, nope, nope, all the nope, not even in kink, just nope.
She/her:  Eh. In some contexts it's fine, but those contexts are really specific, so please don't unless you already know it's okay.
He/him: Yes, please!
They/them: Totally fine.
Neopronouns: Not super my jam, but also fine! (Some of my headmates prefer them, but I don't.)
Mr: Yep!
Mx: Sure.
Miss: Ew no.  Even en femme I am not a "miss" and I haven't been for over a decade now. Way too old for that!  And using "miss" for adults feels super patronizing.  It's for teenage girls, in my book.
Ms: I'd prefer not.
Ma'am: Also I'd prefer not.
Sir: Sure!  Though it's on the formal side and a kink context, no, I don't top. :D
Mistress: Oh hell no.
Captain: I have no idea why anybody would.  But no.
Dr: I really have no idea why anybody would.  I...guess you could?
Pal, buddy, friend, comrade, folks, etc: This has nothing to do with gender, but I find these incredibly grating.  Nobody who's that close to me calls me these things, so anybody using them is automatically presuming an intimacy we do not have.  So no.  Though I guess "folks" is okay?  It's a group thing and I don't feel it's presuming a specific relationship.
Dude, bro, bruh: I will look at you funny, but sure.
Sis: Oh god no. 
Cousin or prima/primo: I think I'm out of the loop on this one.  Definitely looking at you funny here.
Ya'll: Sure!
Sib: Is this a thing people say????
Boi: Only if you're my girlfriend. :D
Boy: If you're topping me, HELL YES, otherwise...probably not?  I'm way too old for "boy" and it has...connotations.
Girl: One person on the planet who can say this, and then only in one very specific context.  NO.
Lady/ladies: Absolutely not, never, no, ew, ugh, so much hate, bleh.  (Sorry, visceral reaction from the way certain trans "support" groups manage to completely fail trans men by forgetting we exist and referring to the group with "ladies" etc.)
Terms of Endearment (hon, sweetie, darling): Oh HELL no.  That said I can adapt to certain friends who use these towards everybody, but in general I loathe terms of endearment from people I am not super close to.
"Feminine" compliments (pretty, beautiful, etc): I am likely to be deeply uncomfortable.  So no.
"Masculine" compliments (handsome, etc): Yes plz.  Though I'm still working on believing that people who say "handsome" don't mean "beautiful in the totally girly way but I am humoring you."  But yes.
Neutral compliments (cute, attractive, cool, etc): Very much appreciated. :3 This entry was originally posted at
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