Dec 21, 2005 23:15
I'm back obviously. It was an absolutely miserable trip, but more on that later. The one miserable moment of that miserable trip I want to focus on right now is last night. When you go to bed at 6:45 because it's too dark to see, you finish resting long before daylight, so you spend plenty of time dreaming. I had this series of freaky dreams between 2:30 and 4:00 am this morning.
Good Dream
It started out wonderful. I was with Carl, in a car, driving through Conway I believe. Jay and Katy were in the back seat and we were going to a movie. We got kinda lost, but I finally found the right place and we met the whole gang there. Suzy and John, Zach, Hayden, Chuckie, Matt Farley, Matt Farley's girl of the week, MOTHER. o_O
This is where the good dream starts going kinda haywire. We were all going to see some sappy romantic comedy which is why everyone (except Zach, of course) brought a date (well, maybe Zach was there with my Momma, who knows), but after we got there we found out that the other movies showing were like The Hundred Years War, the Norman Invasion of England, and TOTAL WAR: THE MOVIE. lol!! So I was like, hell yeah, no romantic comedies for us!!
(Me): Man all of those movies look great. I don't really care what we go see. You guys pick.
(Guys): *argue argue* *bicker bicker*
(Chucky): Do people die in any of them?
(Guys): OMFG Chucky. They're Medieval War movies!
(Chucky): are there any people with swords in them?
(Guys): *throw shit at Chucky*
(Mom): *appears out of nowhere* So. You guys will go watch any movie that we pick out?
(Everyone): Yeah.
(Girls): *in chorus* TITANIC 2!
(Guys): ...
(Jay): Wait a minute. How can you make a sequel to that? The boat sank and everyone died.
(Me): Um...Mom that's stupid. It's not even showing.
(Girls): Yes it is! *all point to a huge sign on the back wall*
(Chucky): Woah, there is a boat in that movie!?
(Guys): OMFG! STFU!
(Mom): You did say any movie we wanted to see.
(Katy): Grrrrrrrr! BLOOD! I want blood! *gnaws on Jay*
(Guys): *grumbling* ok whatever...
So we go to see Titanic 2. As we are walking over there I'm like, "Man, that Total War movie looks so cool."
(Jay): Yeah dude. That movie was awesome!
(Me): OMFG you bastard. You went and saw that without me!
(Jay): Dude, you were gone camping with your Dad.
(Me): Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
So then everyone goes into the room and sits down. Jay is still like, "How can you make a sequel to freaking Titanic? The boat SANK!"
Then I realize that I lost Carl, so I go look for him, and I find him at the snack bar, which is actually in the same room as the screen, eating a funnel cake or something. o_O But anyway, as I'm walking up to the snack bar and the woman running it (she works at Blimpies in the real world) says, "What can I get for you, honey?"
(Me): What I want is sitting right there.
(Lady): *looks* Oh...well...I'm afraid that big guy isn't for sale. How about some Raisinettes?
(Me): Oh, I'm not trying to buy him. He's already mine. *climbs up on the table and starts getting all up on him*
(Lady): Ohhhhhhh. I see. That's so cute!
Meanwhile in the background the movie has started. Jay is yelling "HEY EVERYONE! THE BOAT SINKS AT THE END! It sinks and everybody dies!" and people are throwing stuff at him. Chuckie is like, "THE BOAT SINKS?! OMG! That's insane! Where are the swords?" Katy starts kissing Jay to make him shut up before the rest of the girls kill him and Matt's girlfriend was all over him, so I drug Carl to a seat in the back and things had just started to get interesting when...
I woke up to find myself sitting outside by the campfire with Dad. Which struck me as somewhat odd since I was pretty sure that I had fallen asleep in the camper. Dad was rambling on about something and then he stopped and looked at me. His eyes were glowing red and then he metamorphised into a Shadow right before my eyes. I Shifted into a wolf just like the good ol' days and went straight to the throat. I had just started doing some serious damage when...
I woke up in the camper. Ok, I thought. I'm really awake now, but what's that weird noise? I realized it was Dad crying. So I got up and went into his room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed crying and when I asked him what was wrong he said that he had a dream I'd turned into a wolf and killed him. Talk about making the hair stand up on the back of your neck. I told him it was just a dream and that I love him and I gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and then proceeded to turn into a big hairy demon-monkey and tried to strangle me. Wow. I Shifted the Bushubi beast and put an end to that real quick.
Then I woke up. On a school bus. Which instantly tipped me off to the fact that I was still asleep since there are no school busses near our campsite. Dad was there and we were both human. He was driving the bus actually and freaking out about somebody trying to kill him. Then someone shot him in the back of the head with a sniper rifle. o_O He survived that somehow, but the bus went careening over a cliff and crashed in this ravine where it was viciously attacked by a dozen DIRE CHEETAHS. You cannot make this shit up. The DIRE CHEETAHs were throwing themselves at the windows and stuff, so I Shifted Bushubi again and fought a prolonged nasty battle with them. A dozen giant cheetahs is a tough fight for anyone. They didn't get inside the bus though.
Then I woke up. And I was like oh fuck this...I'm not really awake...I'm trapped in some kind of dream web. And I was right. Big hairy monkey demons with glowing red eyes this time. Joy, oh joy.
Then I woke up again. And I was like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm not sure how many times that repeated itself.
Then I woke up again. And I was like Dear Gods, what now. So I got up and went outside to take a leak and realized that I was actually awake for real when nothing tried to eat me. It was less than two hours from the time I had gone to sleep. WTF??!?
What's sad is that I just went right back to sleep after I made sure that I was awake. Didn't even stay awake freaking out. What's the point? I mean, it's not like Dreams can hurt you, right? -_-
NOTE TO SELF: Have more good dreams about Carl even if your Mother shows up halfway through. Have less freaky dreams that involve things trying to kill you, blood, guts, waking up twenty times, being attacked by cheetahs, etc.