Conversation with Pansy

Feb 15, 2005 18:10

PANSY: Pansy was sitting in a dark corner of the library...crying. The last time she'd cried was when her beloved grandmother died. She hated crying, hated herself at this particular moment because tears showed weakness..a sort of emotion and that was notallowed. She sniffed and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to read the scene where Romeo drinks the poison to be with his loved Juliet through blurry eyes.
PANSY: "Stupid bint" She muttered to herself, willing herself to straighten up and sit upright in the ugly flowered chair. She looked at the material of it..soft velvety flowers magically moving. "Stupid chair." She cursed under her breath, "Stupid Blaise, stupid Daphne" She inhaled a shaky breath and flicked the page of her book, lying in her lap, her skirt was wrinkled and situated somewhere on her thighs baring a lot of leg and her blouse was a mess but she could care less .

BLAISE: Blaise walked into the library, searching for the brunette. When he couldn't find her he approached Mme. Pince who mentioned remembering a distraught girl of "that description" heading to a corner of the library, which she was so kind as to point toward. Blaise approached the corner with noticeable apprehension, he said quietly "Pansy, are you there?"

PANSY: Pansy closed her eyes when she heard his voice. Please just go away. She quietly blinked a few lingering tears away, not caring to adjust her clothes. If he finds me, he's going to find me. She turned another page sighing when she read how Juliet just woke up God, why couldn't she wake just a minute earlier. She was intrigued by Shakespeare and found his way f writing brilliant.

BLAISE: Blaise didn't hear a response, but he was almost positive he heard the ruffling of paper, "Pansy, are you there?"

PANSY: She sighed deeply ."Yes I’m here" She answered quietly.

BLAISE: He walked into the corner and he saw a quite disheveled Pansy. He rushed to her side, "Pansy, what's wrong?"

PANSY: She was irritated and it showed. "Nothing, don't you see I’m happy as ever?” She asked sarcastically turning away from him. She was disheveled, she knew he could almost see every part of her body but that didn't matter. She threw the book on the floor crossing her arms.

BLAISE: He wiped a tear off her cheek, "Do you want to talk about it?"
PANSY: She held her breath when he touched her but looked away from him and down to her hands. "You wouldn't understand"

BLAISE: "You'd be amazed what I understand"

PANSY: She shook her head" No, Blaise..believe me ,if I told you what exactly is wrong there would be trouble, and I don't want that for once in my life" She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

BLAISE: He ran his fingers through his hair, "Well...could you speak generally about it? Or should I just leave you be?"

PANSY: She closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch. "Well there are two problems i have.." She started finally facing him.

BLAISE: "Let's start with one..."

PANSY: She inhaled and looked at his face, remembering every detail..this is it, now or never She tried to take everything in, knowing she might never see him again after she told him. She sat up and
opened her mouth to say something, leaning forwards to him .No it's not the decision of a woman her father spoke in her mind and she closed her mouth

BLAISE: Blaise noticed Pansy's hesitation, "It's ok, you can tell me"

PANSY: She bit her lower lip "Je pense que je t'aime"She whispered hoping he couldn't understand French.
PANSY: She looked down at her hands before standing up

BLAISE: "Isn't it parce que?" Blaise said, a ghost of a smile lingering on his face

PANSY: She rolled her eyes and gave him an annoyed look, walking to one of the bookcases ,arms crossed. "Non c'est pense que" she sighed and whispered "and it's not funny"

BLAISE: "I see my mother isn't the only one who submitted her child to the banalities of secondary languages. And, its not funny..amusing, maybe"

PANSY: "Doesn't very pureblood mother teach her children French? Language of society" she mocked, "See, I knew you would not understand, the fact you find my feelings amusing proves that" She still
didn't face him, too embarrassed.

BLAISE: Blaise let out a slow breath, "Pansy, darling, I don't find your feelings amusing. My amusement is more from flattery than anything"

PANSY: She rubbed her arms, pretending to be interested in one of the many novels in front of her, "Zabini, please..just leave me alone so I can slowly die of humiliation?"

BLAISE: "Zabini?" Blaise was taken aback, "What happened to Blaise?"

PANSY: She inhaled deeply "Please don't make it any worse then it already is..I'm deeply ashamed for expressing my feelings towards you..I should have known better and could have saved myself the utter
humiliation" She was a very proud girl, as was expected from a pureblood.

BLAISE: "You can't be too ashamed or you wouldn't have told me." he paused, "Its not as bad as you make it sound"

PANSY: "It is, even if there was the slightest chance, it's wrong on so many levels" She turned to him with tears in her eyes "There is not only your girlfriend but also the fact that I took the u
know what mother will do when she finds out?" She yelled

BLAISE: "Well, we're on the quick route to finding out, you screaming and all. Compose yourself and then we'll continue this conversation"

PANSY: She fisted her hands, having the urge to slap him "Fine” she hissed sinking down to the floor, crossing her arms and leaning against the bookcase. She glared at him and held her breath "I'm calm"

BLAISE: "There, that’s much better" he sat down in front of her, "Now that you're comprehendible, what were you trying to communicate?"

PANSY: She gave him a confused look, "What do you mean?"

BLAISE: "I need you to explain the rant you went on after I told you it wasn't as bad as it sounded. I only heard pieces, "it's wrong on so many levels", "There is not only your girlfriend ", and "I took the

PANSY: She nodded, "Yes..which part of the screaming didn't you understand?"

BLAISE: "Well, everything I just mentioned. What is so wrong? What do you mean by 'not only your girlfriend'? Why does your taking initiative matter?"

PANSY: She raised a brow "Blaise did you even understood what I said to you just now?"

BLAISE: "If I did, would I have asked?" a hint of asperity in his voice

PANSY: "No I meant did you understand what I said to you in French"

BLAISE: "I think I like/love you"

PANSY: shit She closed her eyes "Yes, well..what I said was wrong because you like someone else and are probably already involved and it's not up to a woman to say she loves someone..the man should
take the initiative.." She looked down once again "I should have bitten my tongue"

BLAISE: "It wasn't wrong. Who I like or don't like shouldn't affect your choices. And it is the woman's place as much as it the man's to make declarations of love"

PANSY: "Oh please...who you like means everything.."She looked at him "Come on..tell me who you like and let me move on ok?"

BLAISE: "Honestly, at this moment, that position is vacant." He looked away for a moment, "I don't like many people"

PANSY: She smiled softly and got up "Thank you" She whispered, passing him

BLAISE: Blaise looked confused, "You're welcome?"

PANSY: She walked over to her book and picked it up, looking at it for a minute "Now I know where I stand..may you never feel what I feel Blaise" She nodded at him and started to walk away, throwing
Romeo and Juliet in the dustbin as she passed it.

BLAISE: "Aah," said Blaise, standing up. Things just keep getting more interesting

PANSY: He heard her yelling "Love is the slowest way of suicide people, never forget that!" followed by a loud slam of the library door.

BLAISE: Blaise stood, shaking his head, "Melodrama does not suit a Slytherin"
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