Blaise has asked me to establish a few ground rules, and I had no choice but to oblige him.
- All stories must be Blaise-centric. Slash, Het, and Gen-fic are all welcome, as long as Blaise is the main character.
- All stories should be beta-read and free of SPaG problems. Blaise insists that we reserve the right to return submissions for correction.
- There are two length categories: hill and mountain. Authors have the option of submitting a story in each category (and you will get a naughty note from Blaise if you write for both ;) Hills are required to be 5,000 words or more. Mountains are required to be 10,000 words or more.
- Blaise requests that all authors stay anonymous until the reveals have been posted at the close of the fest. This means waiting until the reveals are up to post about your story on your personal journal or archive it.
- All stories should be unique. While sequels and prequels are fantastic, Blaise and I would prefer that blaisebigbang be the first time readers read your story.
- If you are submitting a story that is rated NC17, you must indicate that you are of legal age to view adult content in your country at the time of submission (there will be a place on the form to do this).
- All stories should be submitted to blaisemod[@]gmail[.]com by July 15 with a completed submission form. For Blaise and my sanity, please include the submission form in the body of your submission email, as well as at the top of your submission file. To limit possible formatting issues, please only send files in .doc or .docx file format.
- All pieces must be Blaise-centric. Slash, Het, and Gen are all welcome, as long as Blaise is the main focus of the piece.
- All pieces should be fully realized and finished before submission. Blaise would prefer that all art be beta-checked, but it is not required.
- There are two length categories: hill and mountain. Artists have the option of submitting an art piece in each category (and you will get a naughty note from Blaise if you create something for both ;) Hills should represent approximately a week's work. Mountains should represent approximately two week's work.
- Blaise requests that all artists stay anonymous until the reveals have been posted at the close of the fest. This means waiting until the reveals are up to post about your art on your personal journal or archive it.
- All pieces should be unique. Blaise and I would prefer that blaisebigbang be the first time people have seen your piece.
- If you are submitting an art piece that is rated NC17, you must indicate that you are of legal age to view adult content in your country at the time of submission (there will be a place on the form to do this).
- All stories should be submitted to blaisemod[@]gmail[.]com by July 15 with a completed submission form.