I MISSSSSSSS YOU!! ITS BAD ENOUGH THAT WE RARELY SEE/TALK TO EACH OTHER WHILE YOURE IN SEATTLE, BUT NOW YOURE ALL THE WAY IN MEXICO, AND WASTED?? HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER ME WHILE YOUR DRUNK AND SO FAR AWAY?!! hahaha when you get back WE will get together and chillax hardcore, allllrighty?? i miss you so much!! i got a job!! and so yeah, you can come visit me there anytime too!! and my birthdays coming up PS (january 20) and i love you!! and i live in bothell!! (this is all valuable info that i thought i should leave with you to refresh your mind of who i am just in case the time, distance, and inebriation is playing any tricks on your mind!!!) xxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxxoxoxoxox FOREVER!
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