Title: Not So Brotherly Love
BlametheCupcakeCharacter(s)/Pairing(s): Mycroft, Holmes/Watson
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,476
Disclaimer: These charaters are not mine, I wish they were, but they're not.
Summary: In a classical case of one-upship Mycroft attempts to seduce Watson, much to his brothers dismay.
Spoilers/Warnings: Slash, don't like don't read aye?
A/N: Fill for a prompt
shkinkmeme The man was positively the most infuriating man in London if not England as a whole. He was the only man in the entire city who could boast a intellect greater than his own, he was important and well known in his own social circles, and was well paid for the work he did. Wasn't that enough or did Mycroft get some perverse pleasure in beating his brother in every single endeavor. Well not this time, enough was enough and this was one battle he simply would not and could not afford to lose. Nobody was taking the doctor away from him!
It was bad enough, Holmes thought as his hands clenched and unclenched as he struggled to contain his anger, that his brother was throwing smug looks his way. If only that was of it, but no. His poor naive Watson had no idea of the true meaning of the attention being paid to him or the silent war going on over him.
The day had started out well, he and he doctor having a quiet breakfast since they had just wrapped up a case and both were in high spirits when they had received a summon for Mycroft calling them to his club. It irked him that his elder brother thought he had him at his beck and call and that he would drop everything at his note. Really he got far to much joy then was appropriate from stalling two whole hours before showing up. That would teach his elephant of a brother. Unfortunately size was not the only thing his brother had in common with the animal, but memory also and no doubt this delay would come up next time he needed a favor. Still it was worth it.
Mycroft had called him to clear up some petty little problem he no doubt had already solved but it seemed he had something in mind for Watson all together. For the entirety of the meeting his brother had been paying the doctor compliments on his recent works in the Strand; stories very much out of Mycroft's taste. That was what spark his initial suspicions but like he had told Watson many times, one should not theorize before they have all the facts. So he watched as the compliments continued to flow and caused the doctor to flush with pleasure but were not so much to embarrass him or cause him to be suspicious; that was his job. They had tea that was one of Watson's particular favorites but as far as he knew had never been served at the Diogenes Club before. There was also subtle touches as his brother poured the tea himself instead of the club waiter who had been shooed away as soon as he set the tea down.
Now he had all his facts in place.
Fact One: Mycroft summoned them for some petty problem far below the usual problems he used Sherlock for.
Fact Two: Mycroft is paying inordinate amounts of attention two the doctor, who he barely acknowledged in their last meeting with his brother.
Fact Three: His brother specially ordered Watson's favorite brand of tea for this meeting and made a point to read the romanticized drivel that the doctor was so proud of.
Fact Four: Touching.
Conclusion One: Mycroft wanted Watson in a sexual nature.
Conclusion Two: This was completely and utterly unacceptable.
As much as he resented his brother from trying to take the one thing in the world he cared for he was prepared to wait it out. Or rather he was prepared to cut the meeting short and hustle the doctor out the door as politely as possible; for Watson's sake not his despicable brothers. Just as he was beginning to form a escape plan the unthinkable happened. Mycroft and the doctor stood, apparently his brother was going to display his superior deductive skills in a attempt to once again show how inferior Sherlock was by comparison, and moved towards the window. As much as he hated being showed up by his brother it was not what distressed him. Mycroft had dropped a hand onto the doctor's shoulder when the both stood but as they made their way towards the window it had dropped to Watson's lower back. Watson for his part looked confused over the overly friendly gesture but not overly perturbed by it; unwilling to move away and be seen as rude. Heaven forbid he was actually enjoying the attention! It was the smug look of victory that Mycroft shot over the doctor's head that really set him off.
New Conclusion: This was WAR.
Sure of his victory Mycroft went on to make a string of stunning (to Watson at least) deductions and turned his back on his seething brother. It took every ounce of self control Sherlock possessed not to hurl the tea pot and it's specially ordered blend at his brothers back, after all it would be impossible to miss him. But no doubt his genius brother would even then use events to his favor, most likely having him arrested and then whisking Watson off to Pall Mall. Like Hell.
Holmes stood and walked over to stand on the other side of Watson and looked out the window at the subject of Mycroft's deductions. Well two could play at this game. “You are wrong brother, he is not a watchmaker at all, merely his apprentice. I thought that would be obvious to someone of your boasted intelligence.” He said coldly as his own hand pushed his brother's away and replaced it with his own. Now that he was the one with his hand on the doctor he felt much more comfortable. Poor Watson just looked confused.
“Oh Sherlock, you see but you do not observe.” Mycroft said with a tone one would used when talking to a inept child. Watson chuckled a bit at hearing the line Holmes used so often turned back on him and Sherlock felt his blood boil. How DARE Mycroft try and make him look bad in front of the doctor, he would not stand for this! “Explain yourself!” He demanded.
“Well if you cared to notice the keys on his belt then you would know that the boy had just locked up the shop for the day. Watchmakers are fastidious in nature and would not leave their precious creations to the care of a apprentice no matter how skilled. What if a customer where to come in and only the student not the master were there? No, no watchmaker would allow it. The boy was a apprentice but has recently been promoted to a full fledged title where he took over the day to day running of the store allowing his master to ease into retirement. Really Sherlock, it's elementary.” That look of smugness was really starting to annoy and it only increased when Watson made a noise of startled delight. He was so honestly amazed by such deductions, it was one of the thing Sherlock loved about him.
Watson rested his hands on the window sill and leaned forward to see for himself what had just been described to him and Mycroft unashamedly took in the site. It was then Sherlock knew he could not allow this to go on any longer. He could not match his brother's intelligence but he also could not allow for the doctor to be looked at in such a manner. No what he needed was a plan that would lay his claim to Watson and that his brother could in no way turn to his advantage. It had to be a clear, blatant, and completely inexcusable act.
For once his body was ahead of his great mind and he grabbed Watson then and hauled him upright and around before grabbing him by the lapels and pressing him against the wall, his mouth crushed against Watson's. Poor Watson was startled and gasped at the unexpected action and Sherlock took full advantage of it, taking it as a invitation. He slid one hand to the back of Watson's neck and ran his thumb over the doctor's cheek in what he hoped to be a soothing manner. It seemed to works since Watson did not make a move to push him away, though it was quite possible he was simply to shocked to react. It wasn't until air became a issue that he broke away from the wide eyed and stunned doctor and turned to his no longer smiling sibling. “I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline the case Mycroft, as you can see the doctor and I are going to be very busy for the remainder of the night.” Sherlock nearly grinned at the look on his brother face but instead turned and grabbed Watson's hand and pulled him towards the door. “Come along, my dear Watson.”