I went to a church picnic at the navy base, and a bunch of us went kayaking out in the bay: Nicole & Alyssa, Chelsey & Adam, Me & Bryan, and two girls you don't know Becca & Chelsea. We were all out there racing and whatnot, and I didnt think I would be getting wet, cause I told them I didnt wanna get in, I was wearing nice shorts anyways and I only had my bathing suit top on...but, Bryan is dumb, and he tipped over our kayak...haha. So then everyone just jumped in with us. After the picnic, the Barham family and Bryan and Adam came over to our house to hang out. After we all swam and chilled around the house, we all then went over to the Barhams house (don't ask why we kept going to each others houses haha)When the sun started setting we made our way downtown, my family, the brahams, bryan and adam, and the lepinays were all down there watching the fireworks and we had a great ol time. The only bad thing: I've been sick lately, so I couldnt talk very well throughout the whole day...but besides that, I had a good time!
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so....tell me about your 4th o' july!
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