Title: The Small Moments That Led to Chuck and Blair
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Pairing: Blair/Chuck
Rating: PG
Summary: The little moments in Chuck and Blair's life that led to the biggest moment of their lives.
Notes: Thanks to Dawn for the beta and for filling in my blanks (believe me, my brain goes blank a lot). GG isn't mine still. CB would have
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Comments 2
I loved this chapter, though. Six year old Chuck Bass both using his full name and making a one billion dollar bet is perfect. I can see both those things being real. Finding that B has mended her relationship with Brooklyn (even making Vanessa a bridesmaid) is interesting, so I hope we get to see more of that. :) Loved it, so updated soon please!
The beginning was amusing to read. However, I really liked the interaction between Blair and Chuck, as children; even if, she did seem a bit mean to him.
Yet in the end, Blair seemed worried for Chuck, as well.
Curious, as to what'll happen next. Until then.
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